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IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 29
Volume 29, Number 1, January 1983
- Roy L. Adler, Don Coppersmith, Martin Hassner:
Algorithms for sliding block codes - An application of symbolic dynamics to information theory. 5-22 - Adrian Segall:
Distributed network protocols. 23-34 - Ehud D. Karnin, J. W. Greene, Martin E. Hellman:
On secret sharing systems. 35-41 - John C. Kieffer:
Uniqueness of locally optimal quantizer for log-concave density and convex error weighting function. 42-46 - Carl W. Helstrom:
Comparative performance of quantum signals in unimodal and bimodal binary optical communications. 47-59 - Rangasami L. Kashyap, Ramalingam Chellappa:
Estimation and choice of neighbors in spatial-interaction models of images. 60-72 - G. W. Lank:
Theoretical aspects of importance sampling applied to false alarms. 73-82 - Stamatis Cambanis, Elias Masry:
Sampling designs for the detection of signals in noise. 83-104 - Russell A. Boyles, William A. Gardner:
Cycloergodic properties of discrete- parameter nonstationary stochastic processes. 105-113 - Tadao Kasami, Shu Lin, Victor K.-W. Wei, Saburo Yamamura:
Graph theoretic approaches to the code construction for the two-user multiple- access binary adder channel. 114-130
- Tadao Kasami, Torleiv Kløve, Shu Lin:
Linear block codes for error detection. 131-136 - L. R. Vermani, S. L. Jindal:
A note on maximum distance separable (optimal) codes. 136-137 - John H. Conway, Vera Pless:
Monomials of orders 7 and 11 cannot be in the group of a (24, 12, 10) self-dual quaternary code. 137-140 - Federico Kuhlmann, James A. Bucklew, Gary L. Wise:
Compressors for combined source and channel coding with applications to the generalized Gaussian family. 140-144 - Richard A. Games, Agnes Hui Chan:
A fast algorithm for determining the complexity of a binary sequence with period 2n. 144-146 - Ehud D. Karnin, Martin E. Hellman:
The largest super-increasing subset of a random set. 146-148 - David Avis, Hossam A. ElGindy:
A combinational approach to polygon similarity. 148-150 - Yoichiro Watanabe:
An algorithm for determining all the optimal input probability distributions of the DMC. 151-152 - Tamer Basar:
The Gaussian test channel with an intelligent jammer. 152-157 - John J. Knab:
The sampling window. 157-159 - Benjamin Kedem:
A two-dimensional higher order crossings theorem. 159-161 - Albert Arcese:
On the method of maximum entropy spectrum estimation. 161-164 - Jitendra K. Tugnait
Parameter estimation and linear system identification with randomly interrupted observations. 164-168 - Richard J. Kenefic, Donald D. Weiner:
Asymptotic receiver operating characteristics for envelope detection of a phase modulated sinusoid. 168-171 - Jaakko Astola, A. E. Kananen:
Signal sets derived from Steiner systems. 171-173 - Gustav Solomon, M. M. Sweet:
A Golay puzzle. 174-175
- Sergio Verdú:
A general approach to minimax robust filtering (M.S. Thesis abstr.). 175-
Volume 29, Number 2, March 1983
- Joseph O'Rourke, Kenneth J. Supowit:
Some NP-hard polygon decomposition problems. 181-189 - Andrea Sgarro:
Error probabilities for simple substitution ciphers. 190-197 - Danny Dolev
, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao:
On the security of public key protocols. 198-207 - Charles Asmuth, John Bloom:
A modular approach to key safeguarding. 208-210 - Lee D. Davisson:
Minimax noiseless universal coding for Markov sources. 211-214 - Gérald E. Séguin:
On a class of convolutional codes. 215-223 - Philippe Piret, Thijs Krol:
MDS convolutional codes. 224-232 - Frederick J. Beutler:
Mean sojourn times in Markov queueing networks: Little's formula revisited. 233-240 - T. T. Kadota:
Piecewise linear random paths on a plane and a central limit theorem. 241-244 - Philip M. Fishman, L. K. Jones, Charles W. Therrien:
The design of masking processes by the method of minimal divergence. 245-255 - John Charles Cartledge:
Measures of information for continuous observations. 256-267 - Philippe Delsarte, Yves V. Genin, Yves G. Kamp:
A polynomial approach to the generalized Levinson algorithm based on the Toeplitz distance. 268-278
- James A. Bucklew:
A note on optimal multidimensional companders. 279 - M. L. Sethia, John B. Anderson:
Low-rate tree coding of autoregressive sources. 279-284 - Glen G. Langdon Jr.:
A note on the Ziv-Lempel model for compressing individual sequences. 284-287 - Frans M. J. Willems, Edward C. van der Meulen:
Partial feedback for the discrete memoryless multiple access channel. 287-290 - A. Q. Rajput, Morton Kanefsky:
On evaluating polarity-coincidence correlation when the two inputs are statistically dependent. 291-295 - Alain Fogel, Stuart C. Schwartz:
Limiting forms of the discrete-time estimator- correlator detector. 296-299 - Larry C. Andrews, Clay S. Brice:
The pdf and cdf for the sum of N filtered outputs of an analog cross correlator with bandpass inputs. 299-306 - Frederick M. Davidson, Y.-C. Park:
Optimal point process estimators of Gaussian optical field intensities. 306-311 - Sverre Holm
Spectral moment matching in the maximum entropy spectral analysis method. 311-313 - P. L. Butzer, Wolfgang Engels:
On the implementation of the Shannon sampling series for band-limited signals. 314-318 - Lazaros F. Merakos
, Dimitri Kazakos:
Comments and corrections to 'New convergence bounds for Bayes estimators' by D. Kazakos. 318-320 - John H. Park Jr.:
Author's Reply to Comments on 'Inductive Proof of an Important Inequality'. 320 - Hirosuke Yamamoto
Correction to 'Wyner-Ziv theory for a general function of the correlated sources' (Sep 82 803-807). 320 - Eu Yangchi, J. Wang:
Comments on 'Inductive proof of an important inequality'. 320
- Bradley W. Dickinson:
Review of 'CISM Courses and Lectures No. 140' (Kailath, T.; 1981). 321 - Neil J. A. Sloane:
Review of 'New Concepts in Multi-User Communication' (Skwirzynski, J.K., Ed.; 1982). 321 - Michael A. Kaplan:
Review of 'Analysis and Synthesis of Computer Systems' (Gelenbe, E., and Mitrani, I.; 1980). 322 - Michael J. Ferguson:
Review of 'Communication Protocol Modelling' (Sunshine, C.; 1981). 323
Volume 29, Number 3, May 1983
- Neil J. A. Sloane:
Papers in honor of F. Jessie MacWilliams. 329
- Cornelis Roos:
A new lower bound for the minimum distance of a cyclic code. 330-331 - A. Robert Calderbank:
A square root bound on the minimum weight in quasi-cyclic codes. 332-336 - Harold N. Ward:
Divisors of codeword weights. 337-341 - Ronald D. Baker, Jacobus H. van Lint, Richard M. Wilson:
On the Preparata and Goethals codes. 342-344 - William M. Kantor:
On the inequivalence of generalized Preparata codes. 345-348 - Marc R. Best:
Perfect codes hardly exist. 349-351 - Gérard D. Cohen:
A nonconstructive upper bound on covering radius. 352-353 - Nick J. Patterson, Douglas H. Wiedemann:
The covering radius of the (215, 16) Reed-Muller code is at least 16276. 354-355 - H. F. Mattson Jr.:
Another upper bound on covering radius. 356-358 - E. F. Assmus Jr., Vera Pless:
On the coveting radius of extremal self-dual codes. 359-363 - Neil J. A. Sloane, John G. Thompson:
Cyclic self-dual codes. 364-366 - E. F. Assmus Jr.:
The binary code arising from a 2-design with a nice collection of ovals. 367-369 - Andries E. Brouwer:
On the uniqueness of a certain thin near octagon (or partial 2-geometry, or parallelism) derived from the binary Golay code. 370-371 - Elwyn R. Berlekamp:
The construction of fast, high-rate, soft decision block decoders. 372-377 - Paul Camion:
Improving an algorithm for factoring polynomials over a finite field and constructing large irreducible polynomials. 378-385 - Henk C. A. van Tilborg:
Upper bounds on |C2| for a uniquely decodable code pair (C1, C2) for a two-access binary adder channel. 386-389 - Thomas H. E. Ericson, János Körner:
Successive encoding of correlated sources. 390-395 - Rudolf Ahlswede, Te Sun Han:
On source coding with side information via a multiple-access channel and related problems in multi-user information theory. 396-411 - Boaz Porat, Benjamin Friedlander:
Estimation of spatial and spectral parameters of multiple sources. 412-425 - A. F. Gualtierotti:
On the stability of signal detection. 426-433 - Tor Helleseth:
New constructions of codes meeting the Griesmer bound. 434-438
- Max H. M. Costa:
Writing on dirty paper. 439-441 - Frans M. J. Willems:
The discrete memoryless multiple access channel with partially cooperating encoders. 441-445 - J. Pieter M. Schalkwijk:
On an extension of an achievable rate region for the binary multiplying channel. 445-448 - Gadiel Seroussi, Abraham Lempel:
Maximum likelihood decoding of certain Reed - Muller codes. 448-450 - Torleiv Kløve:
On Robinson's coding problem. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 29(3): 450- (1983) - Luigi M. Ricciardi, Shunsuke Sato:
A note on first passage time problems for Gaussian processes and varying boundaries. 454-457 - J. Glaz:
Moving window detection for discrete data. 457-462 - Ning Hsing Lu, Bruce A. Eisenstein:
Suboptimum detection of weak signals in non-Gaussian noise. 462-466 - Stephen P. Bruzzone, Mostafa Kaveh:
A criterion for selecting information- preserving data reductions for use in the design of multiple-parameter estimators. 466-470
Volume 29, Number 4, July 1983
- John E. Shore, David K. Burton:
Discrete utterance speech recognition without time alignment. 473-490 - Peter Elias:
Minimax optimal universal codeword sets. 491-501 - J. L. Martins de Carvalho, John M. C. Clark:
Characterizing the autocorrelations of binary sequences. 502-508 - Richard S. Bucy, José M. F. Moura, A. J. Mallinckrodt:
A Monte Carlo study of absolute phase determination. 509-520 - Alexander Drukarev, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
Hybrid ARQ error control using sequential decoding. 521-535 - Georg Lindgren:
On the shape and duration of FM-clicks. 536-542 - Andrew J. Viterbi, Audrey M. Viterbi:
Nonlinear estimation of PSK-modulated carrier phase with application to burst digital transmission. 543-550 - Herbert Edelsbrunner, David G. Kirkpatrick, Raimund Seidel:
On the shape of a set of points in the plane. 551-558 - Hiroyoshi Morita, Suguru Arimoto:
SECT - A coding technique for black/white graphics. 559-569 - Peter F. Swaszek, John B. Thomas:
Multidimensional spherical coordinates quantization. 570-575 - Dimitri Kazakos:
Robust noiseless source coding through a game theoretical approach. 576-582 - Meghanad D. Wagh, Salvatore D. Morgera:
A new structured design method for convolutions over finite fields, Part I. 583-594
- Charles P. Downey, John K. Karlof:
Group codes for the M-receiver Gaussian broadcast channel. 595-597 - Tom Høholdt, Jørn Justesen:
Ternary sequences with perfect periodic autocorrelation. 597-600 - J. Martin Borden:
A low-rate bound for asymmetric error-correcting codes. 600 - Unjeng Cheng, Solomon W. Golomb:
On the characteristics of PN sequences. 600- - Aydano B. Carleial:
Outer bounds on the capacity of interference channels. 602-606 - R. Sorace:
Trellis coding for a multiple-access channel. 606-611 - Miroslaw Krzysko
The discriminant analysis of multivariate time series. 612-614 - George V. Moustakides, Saleem A. Kassam:
Robust Wiener filters for random signals in correlated noise. 614-619 - R. Jalalinasab, James A. Bucklew:
A simple suboptimum estimator of prior probability in mixtures. 619-621 - Joseph L. Hibey:
Stochastic reliability functions for failure rates derived from Gauss - Markov processes. 621-624 - Uzi Vishkin:
An efficient distributed orientation algorithm. 624-629 - Rangasami L. Kashyap, Ramalingam Chellappa:
Correction to 'Estimation and choice of Neighbors in Spatial-Interaction Models of Images'. 629-
- Ian F. Blake:
Review of 'Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting codes' (Pless, V.; 1982). 63 - Peter A. Galko:
Generalized MSK (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 631 - Melek D. Yücel:
A novel approach to noniterative methods in adaptive channel equalization (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 631 - Rushdi H. Muammar:
Frequency-hopped multilevel frequency shift keying spread spectrum for mobile radio communication systems (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 631 - Vincent C. Vannicola:
'Modelling and Properties of Modulated RF Signals Perturbed by Oscillator Phase Instabilities and Resulting Spectral Dispersion'. 631 - Glenn D. Marcus:
Multiple access protocols with limited information for a finite number of users (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 632 - Khalid Sayood:
An algorithm for designing vector quantizers (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 632 - Wayne E. Stark:
Coding for frequency-hopped spread-spectrum channels with partial-band interference (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 632 - Kenneth S. Vastola:
Topics in robust statistical signal processing (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 632
Volume 29, Number 5, September 1983
- Christian Thommesen, Jørn Justesen:
Bounds on distances and error exponents of unit memory codes. 637-649 - Takeshi Hashimoto:
Tree encoding of stationary ergodic sources with a fidelity criterion. 650-655 - Jorma Rissanen:
A universal data compression system. 656-663 - Stamatis Cambanis, Neil L. Gerr:
A simple class of asymptotically optimal quantizers. 664-676 - Harold Vincent Poor:
Robust matched filters. 677-687 - John M. Potter, Brian D. O. Anderson:
Statistical inference with partial prior information. 688-695 - Elias Masry:
Probability density estimation from sampled data. 696-708 - Michèle Basseville, Albert Benveniste:
Sequential detection of abrupt changes in spectral characteristics of digital signals. 709-723 - I. G. Gowda, David G. Kirkpatrick, D. T. Lee, Amnon Naamad:
Dynamic Voronoi diagrams. 724-730 - Chris Heegard, Abbas A. El Gamal:
On the capacity of computer memory with defects. 731-739
- K. H. Farrell, Luther D. Rudolph, Carlos R. P. Hartmann, L. D. Nielsen:
Decoding by local optimization. 740-743 - Hatsukazu Tanaka, Koji Kakigahara:
Simplified correlation decoding by selecting possible codewords using erasure information. 743-748 - Jacques Wolfmann:
A permutation decoding of the (24, 12, 8) Golay code. 748-750 - M. Mooser:
Some periodic convolutional codes better than any fixed code. 750 - Gerard F. M. Beenker, Kees A. Schouhamer Immink:
A generalized method for encoding and decoding run-length-limited binary sequences. 751-754 - D. H. Lee:
On the source matching approach for Markov sources. 754-755 - T. T. Kadota, Judith B. Seery:
Probability distributions of randomly moving objects on a plane. 756-761 - Alain Fogel:
Detection in a Rice environment. 761-764 - Roger J. Webster:
Formulas which approximate the distribution of a sinusoid plus noise. 765-767 - Dietrich Ryter:
A method for computing the rate and the correlation of phase slips in tuned phase tracking systems of arbitrary order. 768-770 - Masanori Ohya:
On compound state and mutual information in quantum information theory. 770-774 - Marcel Schlatter, James L. Massey:
Capacity of interconnected ring communication systems with unique loop-free routing. 774-778 - Glen G. Langdon Jr., Jorma Rissanen:
Correction to 'A simple general binary source code' (Sep 82 800-803). 778-779
- Godfried T. Toussaint:
Review of 'Progress in Pattern Recognition' (Kanal, L.N., and Rosenfeld, A., Eds.; 1981). 779-780
Volume 29, Number 6, November 1983
- Takeshi Hashimoto:
Source coding for average rate and average distortion: New variable-length coding theorems. 785-792 - John C. Kieffer, James George Dunham:
On a type of stochastic stability for a class of encoding schemes. 793-797 - Jan-Erik Stjernvall:
Dominance - A relation between distortion measures. 798-806 - Toby Berger, Zhen Zhang:
Minimum breakdown degradation in binary source encoding. 807-813 - Jean C. Walrand, Pravin Varaiya:
Optimal causal coding - decoding problems. 814-819 - John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane:
A fast encoding method for lattice codes and quantizers. 820-824 - Jean C. Walrand:
A probabilistic look at networks of quasi-reversible queues. 825-830 - Chris Heegard:
Partitioned linear block codes for computer memory with 'stuck-at' defects. 831-842 - Richard A. Games:
A generalized recursive construction for de Bruijn sequences. 843-849 - Christian Thommesen:
The existence of binary linear concatenated codes with Reed - Solomon outer codes which asymptotically meet the Gilbert- Varshamov bound. 850-853 - P. Vijay Kumar, Robert A. Scholtz:
Bounds on the linear span of bent sequences. 854-862 - Shimon Even, Oded Goldreich
DES-like functions can generate the alternating group. 863-865 - Wil J. van Gils:
Two topics on linear unequal error protection codes: Bounds on their length and cyclic code classes. 866-876 - Gilles Brassard:
Relativized cryptography. 877-893 - Jerry Silverman, Virgil E. Vickers, John L. Sampson:
Statistical estimates of the n-bit Gray codes by restricted random generation of permutations of 1 to 2n. 894-901 - Kiran M. Rege:
Min-max linear estimation of band-limited sequences from noisy observations - A deterministic approach. 902-909 - Jian-Cheng Huang, Bing-Zheng Xu:
Pretested Random Tree Protocol for Packet Conflict Resolution. 910-913
- Aurel A. Lazar:
The throughput time delay function of an M/M/1 queue. 914-918 - Hirosuke Yamamoto
A source coding problem for sources with additional outputs to keep secret from the receiver or wiretappers. 918-923 - Baruch Mazor, William A. Pearlman
A trellis code construction and coding theorem for stationary Gaussian sources. 924-930 - Thomas M. Cover, Abbas A. El Gamal:
An information - theoretic proof of Hadamard's inequality. 930-931 - Abbas A. El Gamal:
A simple proof of the Ahlswede - Csiszár one-bit theorem. 931-933 - Michele Elia:
Some results on the existence of binary linear codes. 933-934 - Marcel J. E. Golay:
The merit factor of Legendre sequences. 934-936 - James A. Wiseman:
New binary codes constructed by an old technique. 936-937 - Vasilis Z. Marmarelis:
Practical estimation of correlation functions of nonstationary Gaussian processes. 937-938 - Bahaa E. A. Saleh, Malvin Carl Teich:
Statistical properties of a nonstationary Neyman - Scott cluster process. 939-941 - Rodney W. Johnson, John E. Shore:
Comments on and correction to 'Axiomatic derivation of the principle of maximum entropy and the principle of minimum cross-entropy' (Jan 80 26-37). 942-943
- Sabah A. Al-Quaddoomi:
Two-Dimensional Binary Codes with Good Autocorrelation. 943 - Alex Netch:
Pairwise phase-locked loop coupling for tracking improvement in nonrigid retrodirective arrays (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 943 - Priyadarshan Jakatdar:
Optimal encoding of stationary Gaussian sources with applications in image coding (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 944 - Baruch Mazor:
Optimal tree and trellis codes for stationary Gaussian sources (Ph.D. Thesis abstr.). 944
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