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35th ICMC 2009: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Proceedings of the 2009 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2009, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 16-21, 2009. Michigan Publishing 2009
- Ben Duane, Bryan Pardo:
Streaming from MIDI Using Constraint Satisfaction Optimization and Sequence Alignment. - Naotoshi Osaka, Yoshinori Saito, Shinya Ishitsuka, Yasuhiro Yoshioka:
An Electronic Timbre Dictionary and 3D Timbre Display. - Diemo Schwarz, Norbert Schnell, Sébastien Gulluni:
Scalability in Content-Based Navigation of Sound Databases. - Fadi M. Al-Ghawanmeh, Mohammad T. Al-Ghawanmeh, Rami N. Haddad:
Appliance of Music Information Retrieval System for Arabian Woodwinds in Music Education. - Andrew Schmeder:
Efficient Gesture Storage and Retrieval for Multiple Applications Using a Relational Data Model of Open Sound Control. - Johanna Devaney, Daniel P. W. Ellis:
Handling Asynchrony in Audio-Score Alignment. - Bryan Duggan, Brendan O'Shea, Mikel Gainza, Pádraig Cunningham:
Compensating for Expressiveness in Queries to a Content Based Music Information Retrieval System. - Cordelia V. Hall, John T. O'Donnell:
Using Regular Expressions to Express Bowing Patterns for String Players. - Thomas Rocher, Matthias Robine, Pierre Hanna, Robert Strandh:
Dynamic Chord Analysis for Symbolic Music. - Chris Thornton:
Hierarchical Markov Modeling for Generative Music. - Jacek Wolkowicz, Stephen Brooks, Vlado Keselj:
Midivis: Visualizing Music Structure via Similarity Matrices. - Jamie Bullock, Henrik Frisk:
An Object Oriented Model for the Representation of Temporal Data in the Integra Framework. - Rebecca Fiebrink, Perry R. Cook:
Play-Along Mapping of Musical Controllers. - Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga:
jMIR: Tools for Automatic Music Classification. - David Psenicka:
Automatic Score Generation with FOMUS. - Akira Takaoka:
JDubiel: A Java Applet for Pitch-Class Set Analysis. - Arne Eigenfeldt, Philippe Pasquier:
Realtime Selection of Percussion Samples Through Timbral Similarity in Max/MSP. - Min-Joon Yoo, In-Kwon Lee:
Automatic Musical Fountain Scenario Generation Using Musical Information Analysis. - Adam M. Stark, Mark D. Plumbley:
Real-Time Chord Recognition for Live Performance. - Masatoshi Hamanaka, Keiji Hirata, Satoshi Tojo:
Melody Extrapolation in GTTM Approach. - Mauricio Toro-Bermúdez, Camilo Rueda, Carlos Agón, Gérard Assayag:
Ntccrt: A Concurrent Constraint Framework for Real-Time Interaction. - Paolo Tagliolato:
Synaesthetic Analysis, Exploring Music Structures by Multimedia Representation. PrometheusZ12, a Novel 3D Visualization Tool. - Yue Ouyang, John Ashley Burgoyne, Laurent Pugin, Ichiro Fujinaga:
A Robust Border Detection Algorithm with Application to Medieval Music Manuscripts. - Matthias Robine, Pierre Hanna, Thomas Rocher, Pascal Ferraro:
Structured Representation of Harmony for Music Retrieval. - Donal O'Brien, R. Benjamin Knapp:
The Process of Entrainment and its Application to Computer Music. - Masaki Matsubara, Hiroyuki Okamoto, Tomohisa Sano, Hiroya Susuki, Shiho Hoshi Nobesawa, Hiroaki Saito:
ScoreIlluminator: Automatic Illumination of Orchestra Scores for Readability Improvement. - Taemin Cho, Juan Pablo Bello
Real-Time Implementation of HMM-Based Chord Estimation in Music Audio. - William Brent:
Perceptually Based Pitch Scales in Cepstral Techniques for Percussive Timbre Identification. - Yuji Miura, Masatoshi Hamanaka, Keiji Hirata, Satoshi Tojo:
Use of Decision Tree to Detect GTTM Group Boundaries. - Carola Boehm:
2084 - Brave Creative World: Creativity in the Computer Music Curriculum. - Monty Adkins, Michael Gatt:
[60]Project: Conception, Composition and Archiving. - Robert J. Gluck:
Electroacoustic, Creative, and Jazz: Musicians Negotiating Boundaries. - Robert J. Gluck:
Silver Apples, Electric Circus, Electronic Arts, and Commerce in Late 1960s New York. - Paul Lansky:
Reflections on Spent Time (abstract; full paper is on page 561). - Ananya Misra, Perry R. Cook:
Toward Synthesized Environments: A Survey of Analysis and Synthesis Methods for Sound Designers and Composers. - John MacCallum, Andrew Schmeder, David Wessel:
Timbral Migration: Stochastic Processes for the Control of Smooth Spectral Transformation. - Matthew D. Hoffman, Perry R. Cook, David M. Blei:
Bayesian Spectral Matching: Turning Young MC into MC Hammer via MCMC Sampling. - Marcelo F. Caetano, Xavier Rodet:
Evolutionary Spectral Envelope Morphing by Spectral Shape Descriptors. - Heinrich Taube, William Andrew Burnson:
Software for Teaching Music Theory. - Michael Clarke, Peter D. Manning:
Valuing Our Heritage: Exploring Spatialisation Through Software Emulation of Stockhausen's Oktophonie. - Ryan Cavis, Sever Tipei, Volodymyr V. Kindratenko:
SoundMaker: a Web-Based Teaching Tool for Sound Design. - Jônatas Manzolli, Adolfo Maia, José Fornari, Marcelo F. Caetano:
Studio Report: Computer Music Activities at the Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Sound Communication. - Jaclyn Heyen:
Women Innovators: Technology-Based Music Therapy. - Thomas M. Stoll:
Beyond Concatenation: Some Ideas for the Creative Use of Corpus-Based Sonic Material. - Carr Wilkerson, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
CCRMA Studio Report. - Adam James Wilson:
A Symbolic Sonification of L-Systems. - Jean-Marc Pelletier:
Perceptually Motivated Sonification of Moving Images. - Tae Hong Park, Zhiye Li:
Not Just Prettier: FMS Marches On. - Jeremy Castro Baguyos:
Synergetic Strategies in the Development of Music Technology and Multimedia in the North American Heartland. - José Ignacio López Ramírez-Gastón:
Tijuana Sound Arts Project: A Nomadic Studio Report. - Aaron Einbond, Diemo Schwarz, Jean Bresson:
Corpus-Based Transcription as an Approach to the Compositional Control of Timbre. - Andrew Robertson, Mark D. Plumbley:
Post-Processing Fiddle~: A Real-Time Multi-Pitch Tracking Technique Using Harmonic Partial Subtraction for Use within Live Performance Systems. - Kyle Spratt, Jonathan S. Abel:
All Natural Room Enhancement. - Tamara Smyth, Jonathan S. Abel:
Estimating the Reed Pulse from Clarinet Recordings. - Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney:
New Methods of Formant Analysis-Synthesis for Musical Applications. - Esteban Maestre:
Data-Driven Stastical Modeling of Violin Bowing Gesture Parameter Contours. - Enric Guaus, Jordi Bonada, Esteban Maestre, Alfonso Pérez, Merlijn Blaauw:
Calibration Method to Measure Accurate Bow Force for Real Violin Performances. - Alexandre Bouënard, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Sylvie Gibet:
Advantages and Limitations of Simulating Percussion Gestures for Sound Synthesis. - Teresa Marrin Nakra, Andrea Salgian, Micheal Pfirrmann:
Musical Analysis of Conducting Gestures Using Methods from Computer Vision. - Peter Beyls:
Interactive Composing as the Expression of Autonomous Machine Motivations. - Stephen Sinclair, Gary P. Scavone, Marcelo M. Wanderley:
Audio-Haptic Interaction with the Digital Waveguide Bowed String. - Jörn Loviscach:
Projecting Finger Placement onto the Fretboard. - Ge Wang, Georg Essl, Jeff Smith, Spencer Salazar, Perry R. Cook, Rob Hamilton, Rebecca Fiebrink, Jonathan Berger, David Zhu, Mattias Ljungstrom, Arnaud Berry, Jennifer Wu, Turner Kirk, Elon Berger, Jillian Segal:
Smule = Sonic Media: An Intersection of the Mobile, Musical, and Social. - Hans Wilmers:
Bowsense - An Open Wireless Motion Sensing Platform. - Mark Zadel, Stephen Sinclair, Marcelo M. Wanderley:
Haptic Feedback for Different Strokes Using DIMPLE. - Xenia Pestova, Erika Donald, Heather Hindman, Joseph W. Malloch, Mark T. Marshall, Fernando Rocha, Stephen Sinclair, D. Andrew Stewart, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Sean Ferguson:
The CIRMMT/McGill Digital Orchestra Project. - Robin Gray, Simon Lindsell, Rachael Minster, Ian M. Symonds, Kia Ng:
An Augmented Snare Drum. - Steven R. Ness, George Tzanetakis:
Audioscapes: Exploring Surface Interfaces for Music Exploration. - David Bradshaw, Kia Ng:
Motion Capture, Analysis and Feedback to Support Learning Conducting. - Keith A. McMillen, Ken Holt:
Detachable Polyphonic Pickup for Bowed Stringed Instruments. - Joel Rathgaber, David Gerhard:
Cody's Corner: Design and Implementation of an Elementary School Computer Music Installation. - Guillermo Pozzati:
Infinite Suite: Computers and Musical Form. - Cordelia V. Hall, John T. O'Donnell, Bill Findlay:
Bowing Models for String Players. - Daniel Möhlmann, Otthein Herzog, Thomas Wagner:
Music Analysis and Spectral Modeling Based on Cubic B-Splines. - Lydia Ayers, Andrew Horner:
Synthesizing Ghost Voices in Ghost Winds Talking. - Dan Overholt:
"The Fingers" - A Tribute to "The Hands". - Tugba Tatli:
3D Panner: A Compositional Tool for Binaural Sound Synthesis. - Judith Nordbrock:
GROMA. Aesthetical Issues of Developing an Urban, Permanent, Site-Specific Sound Installation. - Christoph Brunner:
A Cultural Approach toward the Notion of the Instrument. - Suk-Jun Kim:
Imaginal Listening and Phenomena of Sound-Images in Electroacoustic Music. - Axel Berndt:
Musical Nonlinearity in Interactive Narrative Environments. - Kjetil Matheussen:
Conservative Garbage Collectors for Realtime Audio Processing (incomplete; the full paper is on page 569). - Peter Brinkmann, Steffen Weißmann:
Real-time Interactive 3D Audio and Video with jReality. - Christopher Ariza:
Sonifying Sieves: Synthesis and Signal Processing Applications of the Xenakis Sieve with Python and Csound. - Ivica Ico Bukvic, Ji-Sun Kim:
μ Max-Unity3D Interoperability Toolkit. - Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, Scott Mclaughlin:
Thinking Inside the Box: A New Integrated Approach to Mixed Music Composition and Performance. - Adam James Wilson:
Flocking in the Time/Dissonance Plane. - Jenny Carter, Barry Eaglestone, Nigel Ford, Peter G. Holdridge:
An Analysis of Interviews with Composers From a Cognitive Styles Perspective. - Eric Nichols:
Lyric-Based Rhythm Suggestion. - Jan Trützschler von Falkenstein, Tom Tlalim:
Alter Ego: A Generative Music Creation System. - Steven R. Ness, George Tzanetakis:
SOMba: Multiuser Music Creation Using Self-Organizing Maps and Motion Tracking. - Nicolas Castagné, Claude Cadoz, Ali Allaoui, Olivier Tache:
G³: GENESIS Software Environment Update. - Olivier Tache, Claude Cadoz:
Organizing Mass-Interaction Physical Models: the CORDIS-ANIMA Musical Instrumentarium. - Ewan Stefani, James Mooney:
Spatial Composition in the Multi-Channel Domain: Aesthetics and Techniques. - Vesa Norilo, Mikael Laurson:
Instruction and Thread Level Parallelism in PWGLSynth 2. - Norbert Schnell, Axel Röbel, Diemo Schwarz, Geoffroy Peeters, Riccardo Borghesi:
MuBu and Friends - Assembling Tools for Content Based Real-Time Interactive Audio Processing in Max/MSP. - John ffitch:
Parallel Execution of Csound. - Andrew R. Brown:
SoundCipher: A Music and Sound Library for Processing. - Richard Polfreman:
Role-Reversal: Max/MSP as an Audio Engine for Java. - Wesley Smith, Graham Wakefield:
Augmenting Computer Music with Just-In-Time Compilation. - Lonce Wyse, Norikazu Mitani:
Bridges for Networked Musical Ensembles. - Todor Todoroff, Loïc Reboursière:
1-D, 2-D and 3-D Interpolation Tools for Max/MSP/Jitter. - Heinrich Taube:
Common Music 3. - Manuel Rocha Iturbide:
Structure and Psychoacoustic Perception of the Electroacoustic Soundscape. - Javier Jaimovich, R. Benjamin Knapp:
Pattern Recognition of Emotional States During Musical Performance from Physiological Signals. - Robert Sazdov:
Localisation of Subwoofers in Concert Hall Environment. - Alexander Carôt, Christian Werner, Timo Fischinger:
Towards a Comprehensive Cognitive Analysis of Delay-Influenced Rhythmical Interaction. - Christophe d'Alessandro, Markus Noisternig, Sylvain Le Beux, Lorenzo Picinali, Brian F. G. Katz, Christian Jacquemin, Rami Ajaj, Bertrand Planes, Nicolas Sturmel, Nathalie Delprat:
The ORA Project: Audio-Visual Live Electronics and the Pipe Organ. - Stephen Whittington, Luke Harrald:
Hidden City: 'Being with' in Improvised Performance. - Jaroslaw Kapuscinski, Javier Sánchez:
Counterlines: Studies in Interfacing Graphic and Melodic Lines. - Trond Lossius, Pascal Baltazar, Théo de la Hogue:
DBAP - Distance-Based Amplitude Panning. - Amandine Pras, François-Xavier Féron, Kaïs Demers:
The Pre-Production Process of New York Counterpoint for Clarinet and Tape Written by Steve Reich. - Christopher Raphael, Yupeng Gu:
Orchestral Accompaniment for a Reproducing Piano. - Ge Wang, Nicholas J. Bryan, Jieun Oh, Robert Hamilton:
Stanford Laptop Orchestra (SLOrk). - Juan Pablo Cáceres, Chris Chafe:
JackTrip: Under the Hood of an Engine for Network Audio. - Zack Settel, Mike Wozniewski, Nicolas Bouillot, Jeremy R. Cooperstock:
Audio Graffiti: A Location Based Audio-Tagging and Remixing Environment. - David Brooke Wetzel:
The Interactive Event Manager (IEM): A Performer's Approach to Interactive System Design. - Salman Bakht, Clarence Barlow:
PAPAGEI: An Extensible Automatic Accompaniment System for Live Instrumental Improvisation. - Sylvain Le Groux, Paul F. M. J. Verschure:
Situated Interactive Music System: Connecting Mind and Body Through Musical Interaction. - Amandine Pras, Catherine Guastavino:
Improving the Sound Quality of Recordings Through Communication between Musicians and Sound Engineers. - Shoichi Koyama, Risa Suzuki:
Scape Synthesis: Generation of a Novel Acoustical Space Based on Auditory Perceptual Features. - Oliver Bown:
Ecosystem Models for Real-Time Generative Music: A Methodology and Framework. - Gerhard Eckel, David Pirrò
On Artistic Research in the Context of the Project Embodied Generative Music. - Steve Mann, Ryan E. Janzen:
Polyphonic Embouchure on an Intricately Expressive Musical Keyboard Formed by an Array of Water Jets. - Christopher Burns:
Sawtooth: Interface as Visualization. - Chryssie Nanou, Robert Hamilton:
For Jean-Claude: [re]Presenting Duet for One Pianist. - Shiau-uen Ding:
Rhythmic Practice in Music for Small Ensemble and Tape. - Paul Lansky:
Reflections on Spent Time. - Kjetil Matheussen:
Conservative Garbage Collectors for Realtime Audio Processing.
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