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1. CCGRID 2001: Brisbane, Australia
- First IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2001), May 15-18, 2001, Brisbane, Australia. IEEE Computer Society 2001, ISBN 0-7695-1010-8
- Ian T. Foster:
The Globus Toolkit for Grid Computing. 2 - Timothy G. Mattson:
An Introduction to OpenMP. 3-5
- Ian T. Foster:
The Anatomy of the Grid: Enabling Scalable Virtual Organizations. 6-7 - Andrzej M. Goscinski:
Making Parallel Processing on Clusters Efficient, Transparent and Easy for Programmers. 8-9 - Domenico Laforenza:
Programming High Performance Applications in Grid Environments. 10-11 - Bruce M. Maggs:
Global Internet Content Delivery. 12 - Satoshi Matsuoka:
Grid RPC meets Data Grid: Network Enabled Services for Data Farming on the Grid. 13-15 - Greg Pfister:
The Promise of InfiniBand for Cluster Computing. 16-17
Invited Talks
- Gul Agha:
The World Wide Computer: Prospects for Parallel and Distributed Computing on the Web. 18 - Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
Terraforming Cyberspace. 19
Industry Track
- Timothy G. Mattson:
High Performance Computing at Intel: The OSCAR Software Solution Stack for Cluster Computing. 22-25 - Rajanikanth Batchu, Anthony Skjellum, Zhenqian Cui, Murali Beddhu, Jothi P. Neelamegam, Yoginder S. Dandass, Manoj Apte:
MPI/FTTM: Architecture and Taxonomies for Fault-Tolerant, Message-Passing Middleware for Performance-Portable Parallel Computing. 26-33 - Ming Xu:
Effective Internet Grid Computing for Industrial Users. 34 - Wolfgang Gentzsch:
Sun Grid Engine: Towards Creating a Compute Power Grid. 35-39
Component and Agent Approaches
- Stefaan Vanhastel, Filip De Turck, Piet Demeester:
Design of a Generic Platform for Efficient and Scalable Cluster Computing based on Middleware Technology. 40-47 - Bahram Parvin, Gerald Fontenay, John R. Taylor, Daniel E. Callahan:
Declarative Flow Control for Distributed Instrumentation. 48-55 - Michael D. Beynon, Alan Sussman
, Tahsin M. Kurç, Joel H. Saltz:
Optimizing Execution of Component-based Applications using Group Instances. 56-65
Distributed Shared Memory
- Renaud Lottiaux, Christine Morin:
Containers: A Sound Basis For a True Single System Image. 66-73 - Zhiyi Huang, Stephen Cranefield
, Martin K. Purvis, Chengzheng Sun:
View-Based Consistency and Its Implementation. 74-81 - Yvon Jégou:
Coupling DSM-Based Parallel Applications. 82-91
Grid Computing
- Dongyan Xu, Klara Nahrstedt, Duangdao Wichadakul
QoS-Aware Discovery of Wide-Area Distributed Services. 92-99 - Ming Q. Xu:
Effective Metacomputing using LSF MultiCluster. 100-105 - Sudharshan Vazhkudai, Steven Tuecke
, Ian T. Foster:
Replica Selection in the Globus Data Grid. 106-113 - Krzysztof Kurowski, Jarek Nabrzyski, Juliusz Pukacki:
User Preference Driven Multiobjective Resource Management in Grid Environments. 114-121 - Wael R. Elwasif
, James S. Plank
, Richard Wolski:
Data Staging Effects in Wide Area Task Farming Applications. 122-129 - Gabrielle Allen, Thomas Dramlitsch, Tom Goodale
, Gerd Lanfermann, Thomas Radke, Edward Seidel, Thilo Kielmann, Kees Verstoep, Zoltán Balaton, Péter Kacsuk, Ferenc Szalai, Jörn Gehring, Axel Keller, Achim Streit, Ludek Matyska
, Miroslav Ruda, Ales Krenek
, Harald Knipp, André Merzky, Alexander Reinefeld, Florian Schintke, Bogdan Ludwiczak, Jarek Nabrzyski, Juliusz Pukacki, Hans-Peter Kersken, Giovanni Aloisio
, Massimo Cafaro
, Wolfgang Ziegler, Michael Russell:
Early Experiences with the EGrid Testbed. 130-139
Input/Output and Databases
- Ben Chung-Pun Ng, Cho-Li Wang:
Document Distribution Algorithm for Load Balancing on an Extensible Web Server Architecture. 140-147 - Bradley Broom, Robert J. Fowler, Ken Kennedy:
KelpIO: A Telescope-Ready Domain-Specific I/O Library for Irregular Block-Structured Applications. 148-155 - C. M. de Vos, K. Van der Schaaf, J. D. Bregman:
Cluster Computers and Grid Processing in the First Radio-Telescope of a New Generation. 156-160 - Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Todd Eavis, Andrew Rau-Chaplin
A Cluster Architecture for Parallel Data Warehousing. 161-168 - Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, John Bent, Brian C. Forney, Sambavi Muthukrishnan, Florentina I. Popovici, Omer A. Zaki:
Managable Storage via Adaptation in WiND. 169-177 - David Taniar, J. Wenny Rahayu:
Parallel Processing of "GroupBy-Before-Join" Queries in Cluster Architecture. 178-185 - Peter Brezany, Viera Sipková:
Parallel I/O Support for HPF on Clusters. 186-193 - Ron A. Oldfield, David Kotz
Armada: A Parallel File System for Computational Grids. 194-201 - Han Chen, Douglas W. Clark, Zhiyan Liu, Grant Wallace, Kai Li, Yuqun Chen:
Software Environments For Cluster-Based Display Systems. 202-211
Message Passing and Communication
- George Bosilca, Gilles Fedak, Franck Cappello:
OVM: Out-of-Order Execution Parallel Virtual Machine. 212-220 - Roland Westrelin:
A New Software Architecture for the BIP/Myrinet Firmware. 221-228 - Alexander V. Shafarenko, Vladimir Vasekin:
An Adaptive, Reconfigurable Interconnect for Computational Clusters. 229-236 - Yang-Suk Kee, Soonhoi Ha:
xBSP: An Efficient BSP Implementation for clan. 237-244 - Guillaume Chelius:
Implementing Virtual Interface Architecture on top of the GM Message Passing Interface. 245-252 - Jörg Nolte, Mitsuhisa Sato, Yutaka Ishikawa:
TACO-Exploiting Cluster Networks for High-Level Collective Operations. 253-260 - Patrick Geoffray:
OPIOM: Off-Processor IO with Myrinet. 261-268 - Darren Webb, Andrew L. Wendelborn:
Gekko: A Metalevel for Adaptation in Nexus. 269-276 - Peter Sutton, Rhys Arkins, Bill Segall:
Supporting Disconnectedness-Transparent Information Delivery for Mobile and Invisible Computing. 277-287
Performance Evaluation
- T. Es-sqalli, Eric Fleury, Jacques Guyard, Sami Bhiri
Evaluating the Performance of CORBA for Distributed and Grid Computing Applications. 288-294 - Andy B. Yoo, Morris A. Jette:
The Characteristics of Workload on ASCI Blue-Pacific at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 295-302 - Axel Keller, Andreas Krawinkel:
Lessons Learned While Operating Two Large SCI Clusters. 303-310 - Junwei Cao, Darren J. Kerbyson, Graham R. Nudd:
Performance Evaluation of an Agent-Based Resource Management Infrastructure for Grid Computing. 311-319
Scheduling and Load Balancing
- Elisa Heymann
, Miquel A. Senar
, Emilio Luque
, Miron Livny:
Evaluation of Strategies to Reduce the Impact of Machine Reclaim in Cycle-Stealing Environments. 320-328 - Odej Kao, G. Steinert, Frank Drews:
Scheduling Aspects for Image Retrieval in Cluster-Based Image Databases. 329-336 - Luis F. G. Sarmenta:
Sabotage-Tolerance Mechanisms for Volunteer Computing Systems. 337-346 - Sajal K. Das
, Daniel J. Harvey, Rupak Biswas:
Latency Hiding in Dynamic Partitioning and Load Balancing of Grid Computing Applications. 347-354 - Dimitrios Katramatos, Marty Humphrey, Cheol-Min Hwang, Steve J. Chapin:
Developing a Cost/Benefit Estimating Service for Dynamic Resource Sharing in Heterogeneous Clusters: Experience with SNL Clusters. 355-362 - Michael P. Rumsewicz, Michael W. Dwyer:
Preferential Load Balancing for Distributed Internet Servers. 363-370 - Yi-Chang Zhuang, Ce-Kuen Shieh, Tyng-Yue Liang, Jun-Qi Lee, Li-Ming Tseng:
A Group-Based Load Balance Scheme for Software Distributed Shared Memory Systems. 371-378 - Ngoc Thanh Nguyen:
Using Consensus for Solving Conflict Situations in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems. 379-385
Tools for Management, Monitoring and Debugging
- Michael J. Brim
, Al Geist, Brian Luethke, Jens Schwidder
, Stephen L. Scott:
M3C: Managing and Monitoring Multiple Clusters. 386-393 - Robert Hood, Gregory Matthews:
Efficient Tracing for On-the-Fly Space-Time Displays in a Debugger for Message Passing Programs. 394-403 - Chandra Krintz, Richard Wolski:
NwsAlarm: A Tool for Accurately Detecting Resource Performance Degradation. 404-413 - Ahmed Al-Theneyan, Amol Jakatdar, Mohammad Zubair, Piyush Mehrotra:
XML-Based Visual Specification of Multidisciplinary Applications. 414-421 - Simon Huband, Chris McDonald:
A Preliminary Topological Debugger for MPI Programs. 422-429 - Henri Casanova:
Simgrid: A Toolkit for the Simulation of Application Scheduling. 430-441
Agent Based Cluster and Grid Computing
- Dan C. Marinescu:
Reflections on Qualitative Attributes of Mobile Agents for Computational, Data, and Service Grids. 442-449 - Orazio Tomarchio
, Lorenzo Vita:
On the Use of Mobile Code Technology for Monitoring Grid System. 450-455 - Alexander Poylisher, Michael Luck
Modelling and Simulation of Aggregation Nets. 456-463 - Fenintsoa Andriamasinoro
, Rémy Courdier, Eric Piquet:
Enhancing a Multi-Agent System's Performance: From Implementation to Simulation Analysis. 464-469 - Niranjan Suri, Paul T. Groth, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw
While You're Away: A System for Load-Balancing and Resource Sharing Based on Mobile Agents. 470-475
Cluster Computing Education
- Amy W. Apon, Rajkumar Buyya, Hai Jin, Jens Mache:
Cluster Computing in the Classroom: Topics, Guidelines, and Experiences. 476-483 - Christopher H. Nevison:
Teaching Distributed and Parallel Computing with Java and CSP. 484-491 - Barry Wilkinson, Tanusree Pai, Meghana Miraj:
A Distributed Shared Memory Programming Course. 492-497 - Giuseppina Capretti, Maria Rita Laganà, Laura Ricci
, P. Castellucci, S. Puri:
ORESPICS: A Friendly Environment to Learn Cluster Programming. 498-507
Distributed Shared Memory on Clusters
- Jyh-Biau Chang, Ce-Kuen Shieh:
Teamster: A Transparent Distributed Shared Memory for Cluster Symmetric Multiprocessors. 508-513 - Christine Morin, Renaud Lottiaux, Anne-Marie Kermarrec:
A Two-Level Checkpoint Algorithm in a Highly-Available Parallel Single Level Store System. 514-520 - Sang-Kwon Lee, Hee-Chul Yun, Joonwon Lee, Seungryoul Maeng:
Adaptive Prefetching Technique for Shared Virtual Memory. 521-526 - Hee-Chul Yun, Sang-Kwon Lee, Joonwon Lee, Seungryoul Maeng:
An Efficient Lock Protocol for Home-Based Lazy Release Consistency. 527-532 - Emmanuel Cecchet:
Parallel Pull-Based LRU: A Request Distribution Algorithm for Clustered Web Caches Using a DSM for Memory Mapped Networks. 533-538 - David S. Munro, Katrina E. Falkner
, Matthew C. Lowry, Francis Vaughan:
Mosaic: A Non-Intrusive Complete Garbage Collector for DSM System. 539-546 - Peter C. J. Graham:
A DSM Cluster Architecture Supporting Aggressive Computation in Active Networks. 547-554 - Ting-Wei Hou, Fuh-Gwo Chen, J. L. Lee, Y. L. Cheng:
Distributed and Parallel Execution of Java Programs on a DSM System. 555-561
Global Computing on Personal Devices
- George Kakarontzas
, Spyros Lalis:
A Market-Based Protocol with Leasing Support for Globally Distributed Computing. 562-567 - Nabil Abdennadher, Gilbert Babin, Peter G. Kropf
A WOSTM-Based Solution for High Performance Computing. 568-573 - Rajkumar Buyya, Sudharshan Vazhkudai:
Compute Power Market: Towards a Market-Oriented Grid. 574-581 - Gilles Fedak, Cécile Germain, Vincent Néri, Franck Cappello:
XtremWeb: A Generic Global Computing System. 582-587 - Christopher Weth, Ute Kraus, Jan Freuer, Michael Ruder, Raphael Dannecker, Peer Schneider, Martin Konold, Hanns Ruder:
XPulsaratsignhome - Schools help Scientists. 588-595
Internet QoS for the Global Computing
- Burkhard Stiller, Jan Gerke, Placi Flury, Peter Reichl, Hasan:
Charging Distributed Services of a Computational Grid Architecture. 596-601 - Timothy Soetens, Stefaan De Cnodder, Omar Elloumi:
A Relative Bandwidth Differentiated Service for TCP Micro-Flows. 602-609 - Rachid Laalaoua, Tadeusz Czachórski
, Tülin Atmaca:
Markovian Model of RED Mechanism. 610-617 - Roland Bless, Klaus Wehrle:
Group Communication in Differentiated Services Networks. 618-625 - Sanjay K. Jha
, M. Chalmers, William Lau, Jahan Hassan
, S. Yap, Mahbub Hassan:
Universal Network of Small Wireless Operators (UNSWo). 626-633
Object and Component Technologies for Cluster Computing
- Wanlei Zhou
, Li Wang:
Automating the Construction of Replicated Objects in a Cluster of Workstations. 634-639 - Antônio Augusto Fröhlich
, Wolfgang Schröder-Preikschat:
On Component-Based Communication Systems for Clusters of Workstation. 640-645 - Dominique Dhoutaut, David Laiymani:
A CORBA-Based Architecture for Parallel Applications: Experimentations with the WZ Matrix Factorization. 646-653
Scheduling and Load Balancing on Clusters
- Qing Ding, Guoliang Chen:
A Benefit Function Mapping Heuristic for a Class of Meta-Tasks in Grid Environments. 654-659 - Xiaolin Li, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, Chi Chung Ko:
Divisible Load Scheduling on a Hypercube Cluster with Finite-Size Buffers and Granularity Constraints. 660-667 - Deepak Gupta, Ashish Gupta, Sushil K. Agrawal, Vikas Agarwal, Pradip Bepari:
A Protocol for Load Sharing among a Cluster of Heterogeneous Unix Workstations. 668-673 - Luís Paulo Santos, Alberto José Proença
A Bayesian RunTime Load Manager on a Shared Cluster. 674-679 - Gerson G. H. Cavalheiro:
A General Scheduling Framework for Parallel Execution Environments. 680-687 - H. H. Wan, Xiaola Lin
Cooperative Scheduling for Multimedia Services and Computation Intensive Applications for Cluster Server. 688-693 - Lap-Sun Cheung:
A Fuzzy Approach to Load Balancing in a Distributed Object Computing Network. 694-700
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