Dr. Jamie Jenkins: Don't Be a Bystander
Don’t be a wall flower, a bystander, a spectator. Be a willing participant in the full life that God provides through Jesus Christ. Enjoy it. Share the Good News with others.
Good Times in a Golf Cart
We ought to be thankful not only about from whence we have come, but about where God will take us in the days to come. For most of us life is no walk in the park, yet we complicate things by our decisions to walk down easy street where the paparazzi of prestige and total comfort shower us with feelings of entitlement. No matter our station or circumstance in life we have much to be grateful to God for.
The Rev. Geoffrey Black: Ten Years Later, Shoulder to Shoulder
September 11, 2011, has come and gone, and I'm feeling that now, the heavy lifting begins again. The period of reflection and commemoration was as rich as it was long.
Roy Lloyd: The Bible and Right-Wing Politics
Many of the Republican presidential candidates assume that the Bible inevitably points people to a conservative political philosophy, but””they are wrong.
Dr. Lillian Daniel: A Mother's Work Is Never Done
Simon's mother was very ill, consumed with a fever, but Jesus was able to cure his friend's mother, to literally "raise her up." What a moment that must have been.
Dr. Scott Black Johnston: You Can't Go It Alone in New York
Some would say this is one of the best features of NYC: Nobody recognizes you. Nobody gets in your business. Of course, anonymity has a price.
Roy Lloyd: Greed, Hypocrisy, and Occupy Wall Street
Roy Lloyd, a Lutheran minister and radio commentator, wonders what Jesus would think about the Occupy Wall Street movement.
This Week's Psalm: Counting Our Days (Psalm 90)
Psalm 90 (this week's lectionary psalm) encourages us to live every day to the full, trusting in God's loving, steadfast presence.
to walk fast or to walk far
a simple meditation on shared vision
Dr. Thomas Lane Butts: Chasing the Wind (Part 2)
Self-justification is seldom a wise course of action. It prolongs the pain of being wrong. Blunt honesty is never easy, but it is an admirable characteristic.
ON Scripture: Jaime Clark-Soles on Matthew 22:34-46: On Loving God, Loving Neighbor and #OWS
This week's ON Scripture lectionary resource: New Testament professor Jaime Clark-Soles on Matthew 22:34-46: Loving God, loving neighbor, and the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Bishop Mark Hanson: Cause for Hope and Gratitude
Peter urges us to give an account of the hope that is within us. In this and future columns I want to explain why clarity regarding our identity, vocation and mission gives me hope.
Bishop Will Willimon: Turnaround at Helena
I appointed Mike Edmondson to our Helena congregation in 2008. Since then, the church has experienced a remarkable turnaround. I have been studying Mike’s leadership and the moves that this congregation has made in the past few years and wanted to share some of what I have learned.
Dr. Jamie Jenkins: God's Love Can Be Tremendously Transforming
I enjoy baseball and R&B music. Last Wednesday night they came together wonderfully.
Dr. Greg Carey: The Power and Presence of Women in the Earliest Churches
In previous posts I reflected on early Christians' passion to keep in touch with one another and on the diversity of early Christian communities. In this final entry I shall reflect on women's contributions to the movement.
Dr. David Lose: What Does the Bible Really Say About Homosexuality?
Actually, a whole lot less than you might imagine! That may be hard to believe given the fierce rhetoric Christians often employ when talking about homosexuality,
Bishop Will Willimon: Unnatural Gratitude
"Christians are made, not born," said Tertullian. No Christian virtues are innate. Nothing about following Jesus comes naturally. Therefore, so much that the church does for us is formational, educational, and transformational.
Greg Garrett: God Commands Compassion, Not Evangelism
Christianity is not about praying in a certain way, or believing a certain thing, or making converts, or building a nice cabin at church camp.
The Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel: Two Thumbs Up for Roger Ebert
Two thumbs up for Roger Ebert. Two thumbs up for all those who work to make a more loving, less shallow world.
Dr. Thomas Lane Butts: Chasing the Wind (Part 1)
The writer of the Book of Ecclesiastes tells how he tried all the things which in his time were thought to be fun and fulfilling. Then, one by one, he dismisses each experience with a phrase that runs like a thread through the whole book, "and that was like chasing the wind".