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Global Patent Index - EP 0620057 B1

EP 0620057 B1 19990922 - Die out of two pieces for swaging and/or crimping press.

Title (en)

Die out of two pieces for swaging and/or crimping press.

Title (de)

Zweiteilige Matrize zum Ausrüsten einer Einzieh- und/oder Crimppresse.

Title (fr)

Jeu de deux matrices destinées à équiper une presse à rétreindre et/ou à sertir


EP 0620057 B1 19990922 (FR)


EP 93402812 A 19931119


FR 9213887 A 19921119

Abstract (en)

[origin: FR2698026A1] The system comprises two matrices (2, 2') with recessed surfaces (6, 6'), linked together by crenellated edges formed by interlocking teeth which allow the matrices to be brought together, e.g. by hydraulic pressure, closing the space between them. The two matrices are identical in shape and fitted by reversing one relative to the other so that the teeth interlock. Each matrix recess is in the shape of a portion of a cylinder, so that a cylinder is formed when they are brought together, squeezing a component placed between them. The matrix teeth can have chamfered or slightly rounded edges for ease of engagement. USE/ADVANTAGE - More even compression, e.g. of ring fitted to pipe used to make a joint.

IPC 1-7

B21D 39/04

IPC 8 full level

B25B 27/10 (2006.01); B25B 27/14 (2006.01); H01R 43/058 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B25B 27/10 (2013.01); B25B 27/146 (2013.01); H01R 43/058 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

FR 2698026 A1 19940520; FR 2698026 B1 19941230; DE 69326538 D1 19991028; DE 69326538 T2 20000105; EP 0620057 A1 19941019; EP 0620057 B1 19990922

DOCDB simple family (application)

FR 9213887 A 19921119; DE 69326538 T 19931119; EP 93402812 A 19931119