The Covid Booster Cancer Time Bomb
There's a spike in cancers especially in the under-50s and there are good reasons to suspect the Covid vaccines may be behind it, says Prof. Angus Dalgleish, an expert in immunology and oncology in London.
There's a spike in cancers especially in the under-50s and there are good reasons to suspect the Covid vaccines may be behind it, says Prof. Angus Dalgleish, an expert in immunology and oncology in London.
Children with antibodies had increased infection risk against Omicron, a study in JAMA has found. Protection came instead from T cells, which cut infection risk dramatically.
Different individuals inherit an immune system primed to deal with different pathogens. This protects the species and also explains variation in susceptibility to diseases between individuals and regions.
Researchers identified a group of healthcare workers who did not become infected during the first wave. They found evidence of pre-existing T-cell immunity, suggesting that not everyone is equally susceptible to Covid.
T-cells from common cold coronaviruses can provide protection against COVID-19, an Imperial College London study has found. But why has it taken 16 months for it to be published?
John Collis draws on the work of Prof Daniel M Davis to explore the role of genes in the immune system and asks whether genetic diversity might explain why some people are worse affected by Covid than others.
A new study in Nature shows that not only do people infected with SARS-CoV-2 develop lasting T cell immunity, but so too do their close contacts who were never infected. This means herd immunity is closer than we think.
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