Spiral Mirror is a social experiment by Dan Chung and Corinna Barsan.
An event calendar is coming soon. Follow Spiral Mirror on Instagram to receive the latest updates or just come hang out.
The name represents our collective human evolution.
From Fibonacci spirals occurring in nature, to the evolutionary path of consciousness, life and reality are less straight lines and more like spirals with oscillating periods of roundabout exploration, fractal experiences, and ultimately returning to where we come from.
Mirrors are portals in themselves for seeing ourselves clearly. Reality also operates like a symbolic mirror, reflecting back to us what we believe about ourselves and the world, what we hold as true, expectations for the future derived from the past, and how we perceive life.
All things exist for the evolution of consciousness, including the physical objects we interact with: books, crystals, herbal tinctures, and various forms of creative expression. These all embody wisdom and vibrations that can be shared amongst us all.
This also requires the participation of in-person community. With collective energy, things really start getting alchemical. This is a call to the curious to show up as yourselves, to shake free of the past, and experiment with new expressions of who you already are. Come explore with other explorers!
Through the socialization of education, employment, culture, and family, it is possible to forget your purpose. We can work together to reclaim that path and more.
Once you have rediscovered your purpose, the alignment process can be challenging. Release the past and navigate this new territory with courage and vigor.
Living from your heart can feel like relearning how to walk. With dedication and devotion, you can step into a new reality. Begin building a life that incorporates all of you.