If you need some cheer-up material on this Friday, I'm here to inform you that Tesla stock continues to crater. :)
Also, Trump called a Cabinet meeting to publicly tell Musk to get fucked and cut back his authority:
Not, God knows, because Trump disagrees with anything he's doing, but because Republicans are getting *hammered* about Musk, it's a liability for them, and it makes Comrade Trumpov scared.
You know what to do, my friends!
Also because Elon has been needling Trump and generally being a prick towards him (Like having his son tell Trump he's not really President)
Because these guys are not really friends, these assholes don't have friends, they have subordinates they dominate, and its not enough for them to win, someone else has to lose as well. So they constantly have to fuck each other over to prove whose the top dog.