Realistic Eye DrawingEye ExpressionsDrawing Face Expressions얼굴 드로잉Couple DrawingDrawing Eyes얼굴 그리기Drawing Expressions캐릭터 드로잉Realistic Eye DrawingГлаза15.4k
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Eyes ExpressionExpressions DrawingEye Studyرسم كاريكاتيرRealistic Eye DrawingEye ExpressionsEye Drawing Tutorials얼굴 드로잉Drawing EyesDrawing Eyes - Various Expressions by Robert A. MarzulloHello Everyone! I hope all is well. I just wanted to share some of my scribbles with you today! This is the way that I practice each area in my artwork. I think by doing these studies, you can attack bigger more advanced drawings with a bit more confidence. I pick a topic and draw a bunch of them to gain perspective on that particular thing. This time it was eyes, next it might be buildings or animals or whatever. It's funny how you go to draw something and you quickly realize it may not be…651
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