
Nicole Barlettano on Instagram: "Keeping a “Commonplace Notebook” - have you done it? Keeping a commonplace book has been on my mind for awhile now, but not in the traditional way - I want to also integrate my own notes, words, feelings and collections in it as well. I was recently inspired to use a hobonichi cousin for this practice from @petite_gloom - we have something in common… the need to keep everything in ONE notebook (the dream) #commonplacebook #commonplacebooks #commonplacejournal #commonplace #commonplacenotebook #collections #hobonichi #hobonichicousin #hobonichiplanner #hobonichijournal #commonplacing #commonplacekey"
"Mi piace": 197, commenti: 7 - Jan Eppingstall (@plannerphile) su Instagram: "This is last week in my #hobonichiweeksmega and I didn’t achieve as much as I would have liked to…"