Mitch Battros Research

Founded in 1995 - Earth Changes Media is rated as your No.1 news source for space weather, earth science and ancient text. We have been acknowledged as the first to report events on space weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, solar flares, comets, asteroids and extreme weather events.
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Winston Churchill Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form 2022
Dear Churchill Grads of 1974, 1975, 1976 NOTE: Deadline is October 31st A form has been released requesting the nomination of a Churchill alumnus who has contributed to society as a whole. Of the areas of involvement sought, I am requesting your supportive nomination of my contribution in discipline of scientific research. My specific area in which I have been acknowledged is related to what has become a common #coronalholes #CoronalMassEjectionandGalacticCosmicRays
BREAKING NEWS: NASA to Deflect Asteroid in Test of Earth's Defense - "LIVE"
NASA will on Monday attempt a feat humanity has never before accomplished: deliberately smacking a spacecraft into an asteroid to slightly deflect its orbit, in a key test of our ability to stop cosmic objects from devastating life on Earth. Click on Graphic Above for Live NASA feed If all goes to plan, impact between the car-sized spacecraft, and the 530-foot (160
Winston Churchill Distinguished Alumni Nomination Form 2022 | Science
This newly published study has quite a bit of what I call "scientificeez" making it a little difficult to read and understand. Therefore, I am going to give you a short surmise. The study shows that during times of solar minimum, a greater number of galactic cosmic rays are bombarding the Earth. During times of solar maximum, the amount of charged particles emitted by coronal mass ejections, solar flares, and #coronalholes #CoronalMassEjectionandGalacticCosmicRays #coronalmassejections
NEW: Boundary of Heliosphere Mapped for First Time | Science Of Cycles
For the first time, the boundary of the heliosphere has been mapped, giving scientists a better understanding of how solar and interstellar winds interact. Dan Reisenfeld, a scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory and lead author on the paper, said; "Physics models have theorized this boundary for years, but this is the first time we've actually been able to measure it and make a three-dimensional map of it." #BoundaryofHeliosphereMappedforFirstTime #heliosphere #IBEXsatellite
ALMA Discovered a Titanic Galactic Wind
Researchers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) discovered a titanic galactic wind driven by a supermassive black hole 13.1 billion years ago. This is the earliest example yet observed of such a wind to date and is a telltale sign that huge black holes have a profound effect on the growth of galaxies from the very early history of the universe. #alma #ALMADiscoveredaTitanicGalacticWind #AtacamaLargeMillimeterArray #blackhole #galacticwind
ALMA Discovered a Titanic Galactic Wind | Science Of Cycles News and
Researchers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) discovered a titanic galactic wind driven by a supermassive black hole 13.1 billion years ago. This is the earliest example yet observed of such a wind to date and is a telltale sign that huge black holes have a profound effect on the growth of galaxies from the very early history of the universe. #alma #ALMADiscoveredaTitanicGalacticWind #AtacamaLargeMillimeterArray #blackhole #galacticwind
Site Suspended - This site has stepped out for a bit
Research suggests the sudden temperature fluctuation during the period of a solar eclipse can set in motion a chain of events from Earth's atmosphere to her ocean bottoms. As the moon cast its shadow along the eclipse path, it presents a sudden and rapid shift in jet stream temperature which in-turn has a direct affect on ocean currents. Althoughtemperature flux may be subtle, if tectonics are at their tipping #earthchanges #jetstream #solareclipse #SolarEclipseandEarthChangingEvents
Solar Eclipse and Earth Changing Events
Research suggests the sudden temperature fluctuation during the period of a solar eclipse can set in motion a chain of events from Earth's atmosphere to her ocean bottoms. As the moon cast its shadow along the eclipse path, it presents a sudden and rapid shift in jet stream temperature which in-turn has a direct affect on ocean currents. Although temperature flux may be subtle, if tectonics are at their tipping #earthchanges #jetstream #solareclipse #SolarEclipseandEarthChangingEvents
Site Suspended - This site has stepped out for a bit
Research suggests the sudden temperature fluctuation during the period of a solar eclipse can set in motion a chain of events from Earth's atmosphere to her ocean bottoms. As the moon cast its shadow along the eclipse path, it presents a sudden and rapid shift in jet stream temperature which in-turn has a direct affect on ocean currents. Althoughtemperature flux may be subtle, if tectonics are at their tipping #earthchanges #jetstream #solareclipse #SolarEclipseandEarthChangingEvents
UPDATE: Galactic Cosmic Rays Continue to Rise and Human Effect |
Yes, it's me. Happy to be presenting the latest news and research as it occurs. It does appear published findings are reflective of my 2012 Equation. Cheers, Mitch Radiation is a form of energy that is emitted in the form of rays, electromagnetic waves, and/or particles. In some cases, radiation can be seen (visible light) or felt (infrared radiation), while other forms - like x-rays and gamma rays - are not #galacticcosmicrays #GalacticCosmicRaysContinuetoRiseandHumanEffect
Envisioning Safer Cities with Artificial Intelligence
Over the past several decades, artificial intelligence has advanced tremendously, and today it promises new opportunities for more accurate healthcare, enhanced national security and more effective education, researchers say. But what about civil engineering and city planning? How do increased computing power and machine learning help create safer, more sustainable and resilient infrastructure? U.S. #Artificialintelligence #BRAILS #CharlesWang
Envisioning Safer Cities with Artificial Intelligence | Science Of
Over the past several decades, artificial intelligence has advanced tremendously, and today it promises new opportunities for more accurate healthcare, enhanced national security and more effective education, researchers say. But what about civil engineering and city planning? How do increased computing power and machine learning help create safer, more sustainable and resilient infrastructure? U.S. #Artificialintelligence #BRAILS #CharlesWang
Science Of Cycles News and Research | Founded in 1995: Mitch Battros
Science of Cycles | Science Of Cycles is the vehicle which brings the latest cutting-edge discoveries confirming long and short-term cyclical events between our Galaxy-Sun-Earth with charged particles as the conduit. Website: Email: Scientific Endorsements:
UPDATE: 2019 Full Solar Eclipse and Earth Changing Events | Science Of
UPDATE: 2019 Full Solar Eclipse and Earth Changing Events | Science of Cycles
UPDATE: 2019 Full Solar Eclipse and Earth Changing Events | Science Of
UPDATE: 2019 Full Solar Eclipse and Earth Changing Events | Science of Cycles