Learn a new language

166 Pins
How to Speak French Like a Local: School French vs. Real French
How to Speak French Like a Local: School French vs. Real French - Paris Perfect
French Language Journal Challenge - July 2021 - The Happy Maple Language Co
Improve your French at home with the French Language Journal Challenge! Use these 31 French writing prompts to practice your grammar and learn new vocabulary while keep a fun journal every day for the month of July.
Why I failed miserably at learning a third language (and what I’m doing better this time around) - Fluency Pending
Learn a Foreign Language with Netflix | Discover Discomfort
Our favourite ways to learn a foreign language with Netflix subtitles.
9 Epic Language Learning Tips from Top Female Polyglots | The Intrepid Guide
9 Best Language Learning Tips from Top Female Polyglots
How to Read a Novel in a Language You Don't Know | creative writing blog
14 Tips for Learning Foreign Languages In Record Time
Want to learn a foreign language fast? Learning a foreign language entails a great deal of motivation and hard work. But the next big challenge stems from maintaining language proficiency and keeping skills fresh, particularly when language is your source of income. Even when you’ve reached a level of fluency, most language learners must keep finding ways to use and practice what they’ve learned. Here are 14 amazing tips to help you improve your target language!
How to Stay Motivated in Language Learning (Even When You're Not Feeling It) by Fluent Language
How to learn a language fast - the complete guide