English <-> French

Mots, expressions et phrases en français et anglais. Words, expressions and sentences in French and English.
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Talk in French is the best website to learn French - Talk in French
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Je meurs de faim (literally: I'm dying of hunger) | I'm starving | /ʒə mœʁ də…
5 Motivational Quotes in French to Help You Study NOW! (with English Translation)
5 Motivational Quotes in French to Help You Study NOW! (with English…
#French expression of the day: ce n'est pas mon truc- it's not my thing Listen…
Plus que jamais | More than ever | /ply kə ʒa.mɛ/
Tu ne sais rien | You know nothing | /ty nə sɛ ʁjɛ̃/
Talk in French is the best website to learn French - Talk in French
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French expression that says it all.
at a glance guide to french words and phrases by joliejolie design