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◄ Warrant ►

1. (n.) That which warrants or authorizes; a commission giving authority, or justifying the doing of anything; an act, instrument, or obligation, by which one person authorizes another to do something which he has not otherwise a right to do; an act or instrument investing one with a right or authority, and thus securing him from loss or damage; commission; authority.

2. (n.) A writing which authorizes a person to receive money or other thing.

3. (n.) A precept issued by a magistrate authorizing an officer to make an arrest, a seizure, or a search, or do other acts incident to the administration of justice.

4. (n.) An official certificate of appointment issued to an officer of lower rank than a commissioned officer. See Warrant officer, below.

5. (n.) That which vouches or insures for anything; guaranty; security.

6. (n.) That which attests or proves; a voucher.

7. (n.) Right; legality; allowance.

8. (n.) To make secure; to give assurance against harm; to guarantee safety to; to give authority or power to do, or forbear to do, anything by which the person authorized is secured, or saved harmless, from any loss or damage by his action.

9. (n.) To support by authority or proof; to justify; to maintain; to sanction; as, reason warrants it.

10. (n.) To give a warrant or warranty to; to assure as if by giving a warrant to.

11. (n.) To secure to, as a grantee, an estate granted; to assure.

12. (n.) To secure to, as a purchaser of goods, the title to the same; to indemnify against loss.

13. (n.) To secure to, as a purchaser, the quality or quantity of the goods sold, as represented. See Warranty, n., 2.

14. (n.) To assure, as a thing sold, to the purchaser; that is, to engage that the thing is what it appears, or is represented, to be, which implies a covenant to make good any defect or loss incurred by it.

Bible oath CD IOU John Hancock MO OK accept acceptance acceptance bill account for accredit acknowledge acknowledgment acquittance admit affidavit affirm affirmance affirmation agency agentship agree provisionally allege allow amen and candle approbation approval approve argue assent grudgingly assert assert under oath asseverate assign assignment assurance assure attest attestation authenticate authentication authority authorization authorize autograph aver avouch avow back back up bank acceptance bank check basis be sponsor for bear out bear witness bench warrant bill bill of draft bill of exchange bill of health blank check bolster bond book brevet building permit buttress call callable securities canceled check capias care carte blanche cats and dogs cause caveat certificate certificate of deposit certificate of proficiency certification certified check certify charge charter check checkbook cheque circumstantiate claim clear clearance commercial paper commission commissioning commit commitment concede confess confirm confirmation consign consignment contend copyright corporation securities corroborate cosign countenance countersecure countersign countersignature credential cry sour grapes cure death warrant debenture declare defend delegate delegated authority delegation demand bill demand draft depone depose deposition deputation depute deputize destigmatize detach detail devolute devolution devolve devolve upon devolvement diploma discharge disclose dispensation do justice to document draft due bill earnest embassy empower empowerment enable enabling endorse endorsement enfranchise enfranchisement ensure entitle entitlement entrust entrusting entrustment errand exchequer bill exculpate executorship exequatur explain express general agreement express the belief extrajudicial oath factorship favor fiat fieri facias fishing license foreign securities fortify foundation franchise freedom full power futures contract give evidence give in charge give official sanction give permission give power give the go-ahead give the imprimatur give thumbs up go along with go-ahead good reason government securities grant green light ground grounds guarantee guaranty habere facias possessionem hunting license immunity imprimatur indemnity indulgence initial injunction insurance insure interdict ironclad oath judicial oath junior securities jurisdiction justify kiss the book legalize legation legitimize letter of credit liberty license lieutenancy listed securities loyalty oath make a promise mandamus mandate mandatory injunction marketable securities material basis mission mittimus money order municipal securities navicert need negotiable instrument negotiable securities nihil obstat nisi prius nod noncallable securities not oppose notarization notarize notarized statement note note of hand notice notification

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