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1. (superl.) Luxuriant in growth; of vigorous growth; exuberant; grown to immoderate height; as, rank grass; rank weeds.

2. (superl.) Raised to a high degree; violent; extreme; gross; utter; as, rank heresy.

3. (superl.) Causing vigorous growth; producing luxuriantly; very rich and fertile; as, rank land.

4. (superl.) Strong-scented; rancid; musty; as, oil of a rank smell; rank-smelling rue.

5. (superl.) Strong to the taste.

6. (superl.) Inflamed with venereal appetite.

7. (adv.) Rankly; stoutly; violently.

8. (n. & v.) A row or line; a range; an order; a tier; as, a rank of osiers.

9. (n. & v.) A line of soldiers ranged side by side; -- opposed to file. See 1st File, 1 (a).

10. (n. & v.) Grade of official standing, as in the army, navy, or nobility; as, the rank of general; the rank of admiral.

11. (n. & v.) An aggregate of individuals classed together; a permanent social class; an order; a division; as, ranks and orders of men; the highest and the lowest ranks of men, or of other intelligent beings.

12. (n. & v.) Degree of dignity, eminence, or excellence; position in civil or social life; station; degree; grade; as, a writer of the first rank; a lawyer of high rank.

13. (n. & v.) Elevated grade or standing; high degree; high social position; distinction; eminence; as, a man of rank.

14. (v. t.) To place abreast, or in a line.

15. (v. t.) To range in a particular class, order, or division; to class; also, to dispose methodically; to place in suitable classes or order; to classify.

16. (v. t.) To take rank of; to outrank.

17. (v. i.) To be ranged; to be set or disposed, as in a particular degree, class, order, or division.

18. (v. i.) To have a certain grade or degree of elevation in the orders of civil or military life; to have a certain degree of esteem or consideration; as, he ranks with the first class of poets; he ranks high in public estimation.

English horn IC analysis Indian file KP abject abominable absolute abundant adjust align alphabetize analyze ancestry antecede appositive appraise appreciate aristocracy aristocraticalness army army group arrange arrant array articulation ascendancy assess assort atrocious attribute attributive authority awful bad bad-smelling bank barfy base bassoon battalion battery battle group be distinguished be regarded be thought of bearings beastly beggarly beneath contempt birth black blamable blameworthy blatant block flute blood blown blue blue blood bolt bombard bourdon bracket brackish branch break down brigade broad broken brutal bulk bumpy buzz cachet cadre call capacity capital case caste catalog categorize category catena catenation cello chain chain reaction chaining character cheesy choppy circumstance circumstances clan claribel clarinet clarion class classical classify cloying coarse coarse-grained codify cohort collate column combat command combat team come before come first company complement complete concatenation concert flute condition connection consecution consequence conspicuous construction modifier consummate contemptible continuity continuum cool off cornet cornopean corps corrugated corrupt count course crappy crass criminal cromorna cross-grained crummy cutting cycle cymbel damnable dank dark debased decided deep structure definitive degraded degree dense deplorable deploy depraved descent despicable detachment detail detestable diapason digest dignity dire direct object dirty disagreeable disgraceful disgusting dispose distinction divide division downright dreadful drone dulciana earthy echelon egregious eminence employees endless belt endless round enlarge enormous estate estimate evaluate evil execrable exuberant face fecal feculent fertile fetid field army field train figure file filiation filler filthy fix flagitious flagrant flourishing flute stop flyblown flying column footing form form an estimate form-function unit formation foul foundation stop fourniture frank front frowsty frowy frowzy fructuous fulsome function funky fusty gamba gamut gamy garrison gauge gedeckt gemshorn genteelness gentility give an appreciation glaring gloppy go ahead of go before go in advance gradate gradation grade graduate grainy granulated grave graveolent

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