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◄ Insolent ►

1. (a.) Presumptuous; insulting; haughty, contemptuous or brutal in behavior or language\; overbearing; domineering; grossly rude or disrespectful; saucy; as, an insolent master; an insolent servant.

2. (a.) Deviating from that which is customary; novel; strange; unusual.

3. (a.) Proceeding from or characterized by insolence; insulting; as, insolent words or behavior.

abusive arrogant assuming atrocious audacious aweless backhand backhanded bold brash brassy brazen brazenfaced bumptious callous calumnious cavalier challenging cheeky cocky cold contemptuous contumelious cool crude daring defiant defying degrading derisive dictatorial discourteous disdainful disparaging disregardful disrespectful familiar forward fresh greatly daring hard hardened haughty high-and-mighty hubristic humiliating impenitent imperative impertinent impolite improvident imprudent impudent inaffable incautious indiscreet injudicious insubordinate insulting irreverent left-handed lofty magisterial obdurate obtrusive offensive outrageous overbearing overbold overcareless overconfident overpresumptuous oversure overweening peremptory pert presuming presumptuous procacious pushy rash regardless of consequences ridiculing rude saucy scurrile scurrilous self-appointed self-elect supercilious superior temerarious unabject unaccommodating unchary uncivil uncomplaisant uncontrite uncourteous uncourtly ungallant ungracious unmelted unpolite unrepentant unrepenting unsoftened unspeakable untouched unwary uppish uppity wise would-be

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