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1. (v. t.) To bring to mind by a slight mention or remote allusion; to suggest in an indirect manner; as, to hint a suspicion.

2. (v. i.) To make an indirect reference, suggestion, or allusion; to allude vaguely to something.

3. (n.) A remote allusion; slight mention; intimation; insinuation; a suggestion or reminder, without a full declaration or explanation; also, an occasion or motive.

admonishment admonition adumbrate adumbration advert advice aide-memoire alarm allegorize allegory allude allude to allusion angle arcane meaning argue assistance assume assumption augur bare suggestion be indicative of be significant of be symptomatic of beg bespeak betoken bid fair breath bring to mind broad hint cast catchword caution caveat characterization characterize clue coax coloration connotation connote cue cue word dash denominate denomination denotation denote designation deterrent example differentiate differentiation direction disclose disclosure display divine drop a hint entail evidence example express expression final notice final warning fingering fish flapper foreshadow foretoken gentle hint gesture give a hint give evidence give prospect of give the cue give token glance at gleam glimmer glimmering half an idea hazy idea help highlight hint at hold out hope hot lead idea identification identify implicate implication implied meaning imply import importune impression index indicate indication indicativeness infer inference infusion inkling innuendo insinuate insinuation inspiration intimate intimation involve ironic suggestion jogger key key word kick lead lesson lick look make fair promise make likely manifest manifestation mark mean mean to say meaning memorandum mention mere notion metaphorical sense monition moral naming nod note notice notification notion nuance nudge object lesson occult meaning overtone particle picking out plead point indirectly to point to pointer pointing pointing out pointing to prefigure preindicate presign presignal presignify press presume presumption presuppose presupposition pretypify promise prompt prompter prompting raise expectation refer remembrance remembrancer reminder reveal sauce scent scintilla seasoning seek selection shade shadow shadow forth show showing sign signal signification signify sip smack smattering smell sneaking suspicion solicit soupcon spark specification spell spice spoor sprinkling stand fair to stand for strain streak subsense subsidiary sense suggest suggestion sup suppose supposition suspicion symbolism symptom symptomaticness symptomatize symptomize taint take for granted taste telltale tempering testify thought threat tickler tinct tincture tinge tint tip tip off tip-off token touch trace track trifle twang typify ultimatum undercurrent undermeaning undertone vague idea vein verbum sapienti vestige

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