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◄ Hyperbole ►

(n.) A figure of speech in which the expression is an evident exaggeration of the meaning intended to be conveyed, or by which things are represented as much greater or less, better or worse, than they really are; a statement exaggerated fancifully, through excitement, or for effect.

abandon abstractionism aggrandizement amplification ballyhoo big talk blowing up boundlessness burlesque caricature coloring deformation dilatation dilation distortion egregiousness embellishment enhancement enlargement enormousness exaggerating exaggeration excess excessiveness exorbitance exorbitancy expansion expressionism extravagance extravagancy extreme extremes extremism extremity fabulousness false coloring falsification garbling giantism gigantism gluttony grandiloquence heightening huckstering hyperbolism hypertrophy immoderacy immoderateness immoderation inaccuracy incontinence inflation injustice inordinacy inordinance inordinateness intemperance intemperateness litotes magnification miscoloring misdrawing mispainting misquotation misreport misrepresentation misstatement misteaching monstrousness nimiety nonrealism outrageousness overdevelopment overdrawing overemphasis overestimation overgreatness overgrowth overindulgence overkill overlargeness overmuch overmuchness overstatement perversion prodigality profuseness puffery puffing up radicalism sensationalism slanting stretching superlative tall talk too much too-muchness touting travesty twisting unconscionableness understatement undueness unreasonableness unrestrainedness

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