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1. (v. t.) To cause to drink; especially, to dose by force; to put a potion down the throat of, as of a horse; hence. to purge violently by physic.

2. (v. t.) To steep in moisture; to wet thoroughly; to soak; to saturate with water or other liquid; to immerse.

3. (n.) A drink; a draught; specifically, a potion of medicine poured or forced down the throat; also, a potion that causes purging.

4. (n.) A military vassal mentioned in Domesday Book.

bathe bed bed down beverage break brew brewing bridle brush bumper choke congest cram crowd curry currycomb deluge dip douche douse draft drag drain dram drenching drink drop drouk drown duck ducking dunk dunking feed flood flush fodder gargle gentle glut gluttonize gorge groom gulp guzzle handle harness hitch imbrue imbruement imbue imbuement immerse impregnate impregnation infiltrate infiltration infuse infusion inject injection inundate jam jam-pack jigger jolt lap lash lave leach leaching libation litter lixiviate lixiviation macerate maceration manage milk nip overburden overcharge overfeed overfill overlade overload overstuff overweight pack peg percolate percolation permeate permeation portion potation potion pull pulping quaff rinse round round of drinks rub down saddle satiate saturate saturation seethe seething shot sip slurp snifter snort soak soakage soaking sodden sop sopping souse sousing spot steep steeping stuff submerge suck sup supercharge supersaturate surcharge surfeit swig swill tame teem tend tot train wash water waterlog wet yoke

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