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◄ Mutable ►

1. (a.) Capable of alteration; subject to change; changeable in form, qualities, or nature.

2. (a.) Changeable; inconstant; unsettled; unstable; fickle.

able to adapt adaptable adjustable alterable alterative ambitendent ambivalent at loose ends brittle capricious changeable changeful changing checkered choppy corruptible deciduous deviating deviative deviatory different disorderly divaricate divergent diversified diversiform double-minded dubious dying ephemeral erose erratic evanescent ever-changing fading fence-sitting fence-straddling fickle fleeting flexible flitting fluctuating fluid fly-by-night flying fragile frail fugacious fugitive impermanent impetuous impulsive inconsistent inconstant indecisive infirm of purpose insubstantial irregular irresolute irresolved jagged jerky kaleidoscopic lubricious malleable many-sided mercurial metamorphic mobile modifiable momentary mortal motley movable mugwumpian mugwumpish nonconformist nondurable nonpermanent nonstandard nonuniform of two minds passing perishable permutable plastic pluralistic protean proteiform ragged resilient rough rubbery shifty shilly-shally short-lived slippery spasmodic sporadic subject to death supple swaying swinging temperamental temporal temporary ticklish transient transitive transitory uncertain undecided undetermined undurable unenduring unequable unequal uneven unorthodox unresolved unsettled unstable unsteady unsystematic ununiform vacillating variable variegated variform various varying volatile wavering

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