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NETBible: Strong -- 01961
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hayah <01961>

hyh hayah

Origin:a primitive root [compare 01933]
Reference:TWOT - 491
In Hebrew:yhyw 814, hyhy 419, hyhw 399, hyh 344, wyh 172, hyht 165, htyh 116, wyhy 114, wyhyw 113, wyhw 112, yhtw 100, htyhw 92, twyhl 67, yhy 49, ytyyh 48, hyha 43, tyyhw 27, tyyh 27, yht 25, hnyyht 20, ytyyhw 18, Mtyyhw 17, wyht 17, twyh 16, twyhb 14, hyhn 13, yhaw 13, Nyyht 12, Mtyyh 12, hyhaw 12, wnyyh 11, twyhm 8, hnyyhtw 8, hyhs 8, htyhn 8, tyhl 6, *wyhw {hyhw} 5, Mtwyhb 5, wnyyhw 5, hyhys 5, wtwyhb 4, Ktwyh 3, tyhm 3, hyhnw 3, Mtwyh 3, wtyhb 3, wyhys 3, yhnw 2, hyhyh 2, twyhlw 2, hyhw o 2, htyhnw 2, hnyhtw 2, Nyyhtw 2, yhyw P 2, Mktwyhb 2, tyhb 1, tyyhn 1, *tyyh {htyyh} 1, wyhs 1, *tyyh {ytyyh} 1, dwe 1, htyhh 1, hywh 1, Mtyh 1, tyhw 1, *htyhw {tyhw} 1, hyhsk 1, Mktwyh 1, yyh 1, *hyhw {hyhy} 1, wyhtw 1, Nwyht 1, *wyhw {wyhyw} 1, Mtyhw 1, *hyhy {yhy} 1, wyhyw o 1, htwyh 1, *wyh {hyh} 1, wtwyh 1, wyhyw P 1, *hyhw {wyhw} 1, ytwyh 1, hyhnh 1, htyyhw 1, wntwyhb 1, Ktwyhm 1, yyhtw 1, Mktwyhl 1, ytyyhn 1, Mtwyhm 1, Ktyhlw 1, wntwyh 1, *wyhyw {wyhw} 1, Ktwyhb 1, *wyhy {hyhy} 1, yyht 1
In NET:be 469, was 167, become 157, will be 143, When 86, were 84, became 36, been 30, is 22, when 21, are 20, there was 20, happened 19, happen 19, There was 19, came 18, will 17, have 14, come 13, remained 9, am 9, had 8, like 7, May 6, ended 6, Be 6, belong 6, remain 6, occurred 5, make 5, bring 5, Now 5, Whenever 5, Then 5, becomes 5, began 5, go 5, As 5, had been 5, has 5, will become 5, may 4, extended 4, started 4, serve 4, it was 4, After 4, happens 4, caused 4, there will be 3, marry 3, there were 3, treat 3, received 3, so 3, extend 3, So 3, continued 3, lived 3, live 3, considered 3, stay 3, receive 2, reached 2, end up 2, to pass 2, follow 2, later 2, included 2, turn 2, after 2, allow 2, being 2, belong to 2, belonged 2, fall 2, provide 2, accompany 2, was used for 2, done 2, made 2, engulfed 2, spent 2, Let 2, looking 2, comes 2, It was 2, served 2, continue 2, ruled 2, overtake 2, delay 2, run 2, stand 2, But 2, caused happen 2, One time 2, were still 1, be married 1, be treated 1, will be like 1, became a servant 1, while 1, when it happens 1, used to 1, come to 1, used 1, certainly be 1, causes 1, consists 1, controlled 1, destroyed 1, demonstrate 1, covered 1, cause 1, carried away 1, wear 1, went down 1, been matched 1, belongs 1, brought 1, can make 1, be like 1, by 1, been done 1, arises 1, Now when 1, Once during 1, will happen when 1, Moreover 1, will lie 1, So then 1, So there were 1, There will be 1, Therefore 1, will go 1, Then there was 1, will happen 1, It will 1, Is 1, will seem 1, Become 1, At that time 1, As soon as 1, worked 1, But shortly 1, But when 1, From that time 1, During 1, Do 1, Consequently 1, Thus 1, Was 1, arose 1, aroused 1, did 1, are to be 1, apply 1, as follows 1, assigned 1, be done 1, will bear 1, attacked 1, at the same time 1, appears 1, appear to be 1, While 1, act 1, will extend 1, will give 1, Weren't 1, act like 1, acted 1, amazed 1, will experience 1, always come 1, also had 1, be judged 1, exists 1, regarded 1, there is 1, regain 1, ran out 1, raise 1, there 1, remains 1, resulted 1, rested 1, represent 1, remarry 1, put 1, prove 1, passed 1, pay 1, owned 1, overtakes 1, overrun 1, pertains 1, pounce 1, propped up 1, produce 1, present 1, poured out 1, retain 1, same time 1, succeed 1, suffer 1, starting 1, stained 1, spoke 1, suffered 1, suffered insomnia 1, the 1, that 1, taken care 1, take 1, spend time among 1, speaking 1, set 1, serve as 1, seen 1, see 1, settled 1, shown 1, source 1, sound 1, some 1, so happened 1, over 1, outburst 1, extending 1, flowed 1, experienced 1, then 1, existed 1, following 1, fulfilled 1, going on 1, going 1, uninhabited 1, gain 1, escape 1, ensnare 1, do this 1, during 1, do 1, disclosed 1, disappear 1, earned 1, empowered 1, engaged 1, endure 1, unmarried 1, encamped 1, turn into 1, had only 1, makes 1, marries 1, located 1, living 1, to be 1, menopause 1, must be 1, organized 1, next 1, namely 1, must have 1, lie 1, last 1, took place 1, has used 1, would be 1, touches 1, he 1, if 1, just as 1, it 1, is present 1, insist on doing 1, die on the way 1
In AV:was, come to pass, came, has been, were happened, become, pertained, better for thee
Definition:1) to be, become, come to pass, exist, happen, fall out
1a) (Qal)
1a1) -----
1a1a) to happen, fall out, occur, take place, come about,
come to pass
1a1b) to come about, come to pass
1a2) to come into being, become
1a2a) to arise, appear, come
1a2b) to become
1a2b1) to become
1a2b2) to become like
1a2b3) to be instituted, be established
1a3) to be
1a3a) to exist, be in existence
1a3b) to abide, remain, continue (with word of place or time)
1a3c) to stand, lie, be in, be at, be situated (with word
of locality)
1a3d) to accompany, be with
1b) (Niphal)
1b1) to occur, come to pass, be done, be brought about
1b2) to be done, be finished, be gone
a primitive root (compare 1933); to exist, i.e. be or become,
come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or
auxiliary):-beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished,
committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint,
fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit
(one-)self, require, X use.
see HEBREW for 01933

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