These No Prep Heart Word Cards and Games are fully aligned with the Science of Reading! This Resource Features over 600 Words Including: ★ Set One Red Words ★ The first 300 Fry Words ★ Additional words commonly used in early literacy programs Please take a look at the preview (or the list below) to see the words that are included as well as the highly supportive key for long vowels, short vowels, r-controlled vowels and more! On each poster and card, the featured word is presented in a clear primary font. Parts of the word that early readers are likely to need support decoding are presented in purple and marked with a heart (because that's the part to remember by heart). This set includes both heart words and decodable high frequency words. Basic decodable words are presented in plain black text. To aid in student engagement, this resource includes Brain Break Activities, a Word Reading Compare Game, a Word Reading Bang Game, and Letter Count & Sort Activities! The Following Words Are Included: A: a, about, above, across, add, after, again, against, ago, air, all, almost, along, also, although, always, am, America, among, an, and, angry, animal, another, answer, any, anyone, are, around, art, as, ask, at, ate, aunt, away B: baby, back, backward, ball, be, bear, beauty, beautiful, because, become, been, before, began, begin, being, below, best, better, between, big, black, blew, blood, blue, book, both, bought, boy, brain, break, breakfast, bring, brother, brought, brown, build, built, bull, bury, bush, business, busy, but, buy, by C: calf, call, called, came, can, can’t, car, carry, cart, cat, catch, caught, change, character, chat, chew, child, children, chin, circle, city, clean, climb, close, close, cloth, clothes, cold, color, come, coming, company, copy, cough, could, count, country, cousin, cow, cube, cut, cute D: dad, day, dear, debt, deer, did, didn’t, different, do, does, doesn’t, dog, done, don’t, door, doubt, down, draw, drew, drink, drum, dry E: each, ear, early, earth, eat, edit, egg, eight, end, enough, even, ever, every, example, eye, eyes F: face, fall, false, family, far, fast, father, favor, favorite, February, feel, feeling, feet, few, find, first, five, flew, flood, floor, fly, folk, follow, food, for, foreign, form, forty, forward, fought, found, four, fourth, Friday, friend, from, front, full, fun, funny G: gate, gave, germ, get, girl, give, glue, go, goes, going, gone, good, got, graph, gray, great, green, grew, grey, group, grow, growth, guard, guess, guest, guide, guy H: had, half, hand, happy, hard, has, have, he, head, hear, heard, heart, height, hello, help, her, here, high, him, his, hold, hole, home, honest, honey, honor, hot, hour, house, how, hungry, hurt I: I, ice, idea, if, I’ll, I’m, imagine, important, in, Indian, inside, instead, into, iron, is, island, it, its, it’s J: jet, journal, journey, jump, just K: keep, kind, knew, know L: lake, land, large, last, late, laugh, learn, leave, left, let, letter, life, light, like, line, list, listen, little, live, long, look, lose, lot, lots, love M: machine, made, make, man, many, mark, math, may, me, mean, means, men, might, mile, mind, mindset, minute, miss, mom, Monday, money, month, moon, more, most, mother, mountains, move, Mr., Mrs., Ms., much, muscle, must, my, myself N: name, near, need, never, new, next, nice, night, nine, ninth, no, none, nose, not, nothing, now, number O: ocean, odd, of, off, often, oh, oil, old, on, once, one, only, open, or, orange, other, ouch, our, out, outside, oval, over, owe, own P: page, pair, paper, park, part, pear, people, phone, pick, picture, pink, pint, place, plant, play, please, point, poor, pour, pretty, prove, pull, pupil, purple, push, put Q: quack, question, quick, quit R: race, ran, read, read, real, rectangle, red, renew, replay, reread, restart, retell, rewrite, rich, ride, right, river, rose, rough, round, route, run S: safe, said, same, Saturday, saw, say, says, school, science, sea, second, see, seem, sentence, set, seven, sew, shall, shape, she, shoe, should, show, side, sign, sing, sister, sit, six, sleep, small, smile, so, soft, some, something, sometime, sometimes, son, song, soon, sound, spell, square, star, start, state, steak, still, stomach, stop, story, straight, study, such, sugar, surprise, sum, sun, Sunday, sure, swore, sworn T: take, talk, teach, teacher, tear, tear, tell, ten, than, thank, that, the, their, them, then, there, these, they, thing, things, think, this, thorough, those, though, thought, three, through, Thursday, tie time, to, today, together, tomorrow, too, took, touch, tough, toward, train, tree, triangle, triple, true, truly, truth, try, Tuesday, turn, twice, two U: uncle, under, undo, unhappy, unsafe, untie, until, up, upon, us, use, used, usual V: very, vet, view, vine W: walk, want, warm, was, wash, watch, water, way, we, wear, Wednesday, week, weight, well, went, were, what, wheel, when, where, which, while, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wild, wind, wind, will, wish, with, without, wolf, woman, women, won, wonder, won’t, word, words X: x-ray Y: year, years, yellow, yes, yesterday, yolk, you, young, your, you’re, yours, zero, zoo Z: zero, zoo Please Note: The individual items within this bundle are NOT additional words. Working from the 600 Heart Words, they are split out by format and featured skills to make it easier to access the needed words at any given time. Many thanks for stopping by and taking a look! Sincerely, Anne Gardner (National Board Certified in Literacy) Also Available: Decodable Poems, Passages and Games for Short Vowels Decodable Poems, Passages and Games for Digraphs Also Known As: Heart Word Cards and Games: Fry & Sight Words {The Science of Reading, RTI} Heart Word Cards: The Science of Reading Fry & HFW Sight Words {RTI, Sp Ed, SOR}