Identifying the Rocks of Lake Michigan (Geode, Septarian, Agate, and More)Fascinating facts and photos featuring the most common beach stones found along Lake Michigan shorelines, as well as several unusual kinds; includes various types of basalt, septarian, limestone, granite, gabbro, diorite, gneiss, schist, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, geodes, chalcedony and agate.
30 Types of Rock That You Shouldn’t Take For Granite: Pictures and FactsWant to impress your friend with your rock knowledge? Here are 30 types of rocks that you ought to know to get you started.
Mid Century MoodyTina on Instagram: "I’m excited to join in on #the12daysofbeachmas hosted by @lorileethomasart 😃 This is my day 1 “trayful” of pottery 😊 . #beachpottery #beachfinds #beachcombingfinds"