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O SpiritSwap

SpiritSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Fantom Opera Chain that launched April 25, 2021. SpiritSwap is a constant-product automated market maker (AMM). In an AMM, users can simply provide liquidity by depositing a token pair into a pool. In return,. they receive LP tokens to track their share of the pool and they earn a fee for every swap that occurs in their pool. User's can trade against a liquidity pool to swap tokens.

Liquidity on SpiritSwap is incentivized through yield farming. Users can stake their SPIRIT-LP tokens to earn SPIRIT tokens (a valueless governance token). SPIRIT tokens can be used to vote in the DAO on parameters such as emissions rates, farms to add, farm allocations, and future development. SPIRIT token holders can also earn revenue from the SpiritSwap protocol.

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