Found a buyer for your Vehicle?
We'll settle the paperwork for you.
Sgcarmart Connect handles your transaction paperwork from Agreement to Handover. All you have
to do is send us your completed Sales Agreement, and we'll handle the rest. We'll help both parties
with Car Loans, Motor Insurance, Payments & Ownership Transfer.
We will contact you within 1 working day, and it should take 1 week or less to complete everything. A service fee may apply.
For more info, please refer to our FAQ or WhatsApp us at 8686 3540.
End-to-end Support
Car Loans
We handle loan application for the
buyer & settlement for the seller
Motor Insurance
We handle insurance application
for the buyer
Payments & Transfer
We facilitate payment,
documentation & LTA ownership transfer
Sell with Connect+
Receive only the best offers
Save time & effort. Focus on offers from
qualified buyers.
Maintain absolute privacy
We will manage calls & enquiries for your ad.
Your personal info is kept private.
Market price analysis
Get weekly market price updates and selling
Happy Customers
After I found a buyer thru my ad on Sgcarmart, they did everything for me and settled within 3 days.

Frank Ng
MOE Educator
They did all the paperwork for me and neither me nor my buyer had to pay them a single cent!

Alvin Tan
Doctor, MBBS (Singapore)
Contact Us
151 Lorong Chuan, Lobby D #04-04 New Tech Park, S(556741)
Tel 6744 3540
Whatsapp 8686 3540
Fax 6744 4703
Email [email protected]
Operating Hrs Mon to Sat, 10.30am to 6.30pm
What should I do if I am engaging in a direct seller/buyer deal?

Both seller and buyer should arrange for a meet up to view the vehicle, and to confirm the deal. A sales agreement will need to be signed, and a deposit placed to confirm the deal. We will help you to process the rest of the paperwork once you send us the signed and completed sales agreement here. The sales agreement can be downloaded here.

Must I already have the signed sales agreement before engaging Sgcarmart Connect?

Not necessarily. Should you need assistance on how to fill out certain forms, or instructions on proper procedures even before signing the sales agreement, we can facilitate the signing of the sales agreement at our office. The sales agreement can be found here.

What are the services that Sgcarmart Connect will provide for me?

By liaising with both seller and buyer to get the necessary paperwork for processing, we can provide the full suite of transaction services:

  • Ensure all payments from buyer to seller are proper
  • Ensure proper documentation of process
  • Full settlement of seller's outstanding loan
  • Sourcing the buyer's loan and insurance
  • Seller's insurance cancellation and refund
  • Transfer of ownership
  • Vehicle number plate retention
Are there any fees involved for using this service?

Service fees range from $300 to $500 may apply depending on buyer's loan requirement and on a case by case basis.
Please contact our customer service officer for more details.

[For Buyers] Can I source for my own car loan?

Preferably not. If your loan is not applied through Sgcarmart Connect or Sgcarmart Smart loan, we may not be able to smoothly facilitate the process. Please contact us if you wish to use our services but prefer to source for your own car loan and we will advise accordingly.

[For Buyers] Can I source for my own insurance?

Yes. Alternatively, we can provide you with competitive quotes from various insurance companies for your comparison. Do note that for non-Sgcarmart advertised vehicles, there may be a fee for using Sgcarmart Connect if your insurance is not applied through us.

[For Buyers] What are the available financing options and their rates?

Car loan interest rates are 2.78% for used cars, 3.4% for commercial vehicles and 3.18% for renewed-COE vehicles. We work with most major banks and credit companies in Singapore to bring you the most competitive rates. Do let us know if you have a preferred bank.

[For Buyers] How long does it take for my loan to be approved?
Typically within 3 working days.
[For Buyers] Can Sgcarmart Connect help with carplate number retention?

Yes. We can assist with number retention and applying your retained number to your new vehicle. We do not charge for this service, but if you require us to submit the documents to LTA on your behalf, there will be third party dispatch fees (S$15 per trip).

[For Sellers] I have an outstanding loan on my car. Will Sgcarmart Connect settle it for me?

Yes. We will settle your outstanding loan for you once the vehicle handover is complete. This process typically takes 2 working days.

[For Sellers] I have existing insurance on my car. Will I get a refund?

Yes. Once the vehicle is handed over, you can cancel the insurance. We can also assist with the cancellation upon vehicle handover. The refund will be issued and mailed to you by the insurance company typically within 2 months.

What other services does Sgcarmart Connect provide and what are the charges?

We also provide COE renewal services for customers who are keen to renew the COE for their existing cars.
For more information on this service, please go to

What are the documents required for loan processing? 

Salaried employee application

  1. Vehicle Sales Agreement
  2. Complete loan application form
  3. Buyer's NRIC/FIN (front and back)
  4. Proof of income for employees (any of the following):
    • 12 months CPF contribution history
    • 2 years Notice of Assessment (IRAS)
    • Latest 3 months of computerised payslip

Self-employed Application

  1. 2 years Notice of Assessment (IRAS)
  2. Additional requirements for non-Singapore citizen and non-permanent resident:
    • Passport with 6 months validity
    • Proof of residential address with but not limited to utility or bank billing statement

Company Application

  1. Vehicle Sales Agreement
  2. Complete loan application form
  3. Valid ACRA (requested within 14 days)
  4. Company bank statement for the last 3 months
  5. NRIC/FIN of the director/guarantor (any of the following):
    • 12 months CPF contribution history
    • 2 years Notice of Assessment (IRAS)
    • Latest 3 months of computerised payslip


  • Sales Agreement
    To let buyers sign when confirm purchase of vehicle

  • Idemnity Form
    To let interested buyers sign before test-drive.

  • Receipt
    To issue to buyers whenever they make any payment

  • Hand-over Form (Sgcarmart Connect will prepare this document for you)
    To let buyers sign when you hand-over the vehicle

  • Ownership Transfer
    Transfer the ownership of the vehicle using SingPass