Common Sense Home – Practical Solutions for Resilient and Abundant Living

The Neverman Family

We’re the Nevermans – Laurie, August IV, August V, & Duncan

Common Sense Home combines traditional self-sufficiency ideas with modern solutions. We offer simple, practical advice that helps you become more self-reliant and resilient, enabling you to not just survive but thrive. 

We grow and preserve our own food, create our own medicine, and generate our own energy, preparing for any challenges that come our way.

We want to share our years of experience with you. Join us as we guide you towards greater resilience and abundance. Learn more about us.

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“The midday warmth of the November sunshine felt all the more precious because it was so short-lived. Darkness fell early now, and the chill lingered in the shadows. Still, the short days flew by quickly. In a little over a month, the daylight hours would begin to lengthen again.” – Laurie Neverman, from a recent newsletter opening

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Food Storage


“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” ― Lazarus Long — Time Enough for Love (Robert Heinlein)

Home Remedies

As Seen In

The Epoch TimesThe Epoch Times
Self Reliance MasterySelf Reliance Mastery
Homestead Living MagazineHomestead Living Magazine
Authority MagazineAuthority Magazine
Prepper's Home DefensePrepper's Home Defense
Taste of HomeTaste of Home


“Resilience is the faith and determination to keep fighting for your beliefs, no matter what the odds.” – Laurie Neverman



A simple word that conjures up many different emotions and images.

Sometimes it’s a place a refuge, to shut out the outside world and the day’s troubles.

Sometimes it’s a gathering place, where we welcome friends and family to share our joys and our sorrows.

Sometimes it’s a longing for something that was, or maybe something that we longed to have.

– Laurie Neverman

Using Wild Plants for Food and Medicine

What our Readers are Saying…

“Your topics are interesting and humorous, insightful, intriguing, honest.”

“You strive to live the things that you teach, and that you are always willing to share not only your knowledge, but to actually research questions to help others in living a more green life.”

“You’re my “go-to” person for all questions garden, fermenting, energy….. I figure if you don’t know it, you’ve got a solid lead….. I refer to you as my “organic/heirloom garden, nutrition-foody, math-y fact-checker guru” in certain circles…. seriously, with modern homesteading questions, I check with Laurie before google…..”

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