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Asset pricing under rational learning about rare disasters. (2011). Wieland, Volker ; Koulovatianos, Christos.
In: IMFS Working Paper Series.

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  1. Increasing taxes after a financial crisis: Not a bad idea after all .... (2018). Koulovatianos, Christos ; Mavridis, Dimitris.
    In: CFS Working Paper Series.

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  2. Learning and Leverage Cycles in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence*. (2018). Radnaev, Boris ; Hennessy, Christopher A.
    In: Review of Finance.

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  3. The Time-Varying Risk of Macroeconomic Disasters. (2016). Penasse, Julien ; Marfè, Roberto ; Marfe, Roberto.
    In: Carlo Alberto Notebooks.

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  4. Strategic Exploitation of a Common-Property Resource Under Rational Learning About its Reproduction. (2015). Koulovatianos, Christos.
    In: Dynamic Games and Applications.

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  5. Asset prices and information disclosure under recency-biased learning. (2015). Gandre, Pauline.
    In: CEPREMAP Working Papers (Docweb).

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  6. Learning, Large Deviations and Rare Events. (2014). Dave, Chetan ; Benhabib, Jess.
    In: Review of Economic Dynamics.

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  7. Strategic Exploitation of a Common-Property Resource Under Rational Learning About its Reproduction. (2014). Koulovatianos, Christos.
    In: CREA Discussion Paper Series.

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  8. External Sovereign Debt in a Monetary Union: Bailouts and the Role of Corruption. (2011). Tsoukalas, John ; Koulovatianos, Christos ; Achury, Carolina.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  9. External Sovereign Debt in a Monetary Union: Bailouts and the Role of Corruption. (). Tsoukalas, John ; Koulovatianos, Christos.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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