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Is green Knowledge improving Environmental Productivity? Sectoral Evidence from Italian Regions. (2014). Quatraro, Francesco ; Ghisetti, Claudia.
In: Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers.

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  2. The dynamic influence of renewable energy, trade openness, and industrialization on the sustainable environment in G-7 economies. (2022). Fahad, Shah ; Rehman, Mubeen Abdur ; Wang, Wei.
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  5. Does corporate social responsibility encourage sustainable innovation adoption? Empirical evidence from Luxembourg. (2019). Poussing, Nicolas.
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  6. The determinants of cleaner energy innovations of the world’s largest firms: the impact of firm learning and knowledge capital. (2017). Lhuillery, Stephane ; Schoen, Antoine ; le Bas, Christian ; Lebas, Christian ; Laurens, Patricia.
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  7. Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries. (2016). Paglialunga, Elena ; Marin, Giovanni ; Crespi, Francesco ; Costantini, Valeria.
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  8. Technological contribution of MNEs to the growth of energy-greentech sector in the early post-Kyoto period. (2016). Lhuillery, Stephane ; Bas, Christian ; Schoen, Antoine ; Laurens, Patricia.
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  9. Regulatory Push-pull Effects on Innovation: An Evaluation of the Effects of the REACH Regulation on Patents in the Chemical Sector. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 91. (2015). Ghisetti, Claudia ; Quatraro, Francesco.
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  10. How MNEs respond to environmental regulation: integrating the Porter hypothesis and the pollution haven hypothesis. (2015). D'Agostino, Lorena ; Dagostino, Lorena .
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References cited by this document

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