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A regional model of endogenous growth without scale assumptions. (2018). Oxley, Les ; McCann, Philip ; Bond-Smith, Steven.
In: Spatial Economic Analysis.

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  1. Diversifying Hawai‘i’s specialized economy: A spatial economic perspective. (2022). Bond-Smith, Steven.
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  2. Discretely innovating: The effect of limited market contestability on innovation and growth. (2022). Bond-Smith, Steven ; Bondsmith, Steven.
    In: Scottish Journal of Political Economy.

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  3. .

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  4. Place-based vs. place blind? – Where do England’s new local industrial strategies fit in the ‘levelling up’ agenda?. (2020). Sykes, Olivier ; Nurse, Alexander.
    In: Local Economy.

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  5. The unintended consequences of increasing returns to scale in geographical economics. (2019). Bond-Smith, Steven.
    In: Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Working Paper series.

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  6. A multi-sector model of relatedness, growth and industry clustering. (2019). McCann, Philip ; Bond-Smith, Steven.
    In: Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Working Paper series.

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  7. The decades-long dispute over scale effects in the theory of economic growth. (2019). Bond-Smith, Steven.
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  8. Cross-country Knowledge Spillovers and Innovations in Less Developed Countries in the Context of the Schumpeterian Growth Model. (2019). Yenokyan, Karine ; Kondyan, Sergey.
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References cited by this document

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