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The rise of consultancy and the prospect for regions. (1998). Wood, Peter .
In: ERSA conference papers.

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  1. Knowledge intensive business services and their impact on innovation in China. (2014). Wu, Yanrui ; Zhao, Dingtao ; Shi, Xing.
    In: Service Business.

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  2. Business services within network for innovation. (2003). Varum, Celeste ; Amorim, Celeste.
    In: Working Papers de Economia (Economics Working Papers).

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  3. Business services as actors of knowledge transformation and diffusion: some empirical findings on the role of KIBS in regional and national innovation systems. (2001). Zenker, Andrea ; Muller, Emmanuel .
    In: Working Papers Firms and Region.

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  4. Business services as actors of knowledge transformation: the role of KIBS in regional and national innovation systems. (2001). Zenker, Andrea ; Muller, Emmanuel .
    In: Research Policy.

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  5. There is no territorial fatality! (or how innovation interactions between KIBS and SMEs may modify the development patterns of peripheral regions). (1999). Muller, Emmanuel .
    In: Working Papers Firms and Region.

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References cited by this document

  1. Aksoy, A. and Marshall, J.N. (1992) `The changing corporate head office and its spatial implications, Regional Studies 26: 149-62 Amin, A and Thrift, N 1992 `Neo-Marshallian nodes in global networksInternational Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 16, 571-87.
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  2. Amin, A and Thrift, J 1994 Globalisation, Institutions and Regional Development in Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
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  3. Amin, A and Thrift, J 1995 `Institutional issues for the European regions: from markets and plans to socioeconomics and powers of associationEconomy and Society, 24, 41-66.
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  4. Castells, M (1989) The Informational City, Oxford, Basil Blackwell.
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  5. Clegg, S.R. (1990) Modernist and post-modernist organization, in Modern Organization London, Sage, pp. 176-207.
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  6. Goe, WR (1991) `The growth of producer services; sorting through the externalisation debate, Growth and Change, Fall 118-41.
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  7. Graham, S amd Marvin, S (1996) Telecommunications and the City, London, Routledge.
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  8. Harvey, D (1989) The Condition of Postmodernity, Oxford, Basil Blackwell.
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  9. Keeble, D, Bryson, J and Wood PA (1991) `Small firms, business service growth and regional development in the United Kingdom, Regional Studies, 25, 439-57.
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  10. Moulaert, F (1996) `Arthur Andersen: from national accountancy to international management consultancy firm, in Nilsson,, JE, Dicken P and Peck, J (eds) Transnational corporations in Europe: functional and spatial divisions of labour, London, Chapman.
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  11. OFarrell, PN, Wood, PA and Zheng, J (1996) `Internationalisation by business services: and inter-regional analysisRegional Studies, 30, 101-118.
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  12. Wood PA (1992) `Flexible accumulation and the rise of business servicesTransaction, Institute of British Geographers, NS16, 160-72.
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  13. Wood PA (1996a) `Business services, the management of change and regional development in the UK: A corporate client perspective, Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, NS 21, 649-65.
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  14. Wood PA, Bryson J and Keeble D (1993) `Regional patterns of small firm development in the business services: evidence from the UKEnvironment and Planning A, 25, 677-700.
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  15. Wood, PA (1996b) `An Expert labor approach to business service change`, Papers, Regional Science Association, 75(3), 325-49.
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  16. Zajac, EJ and Olsen, CP (1993) `From transaction cost to trasaction value analysis: imploications for the stiudy of interorganisationbal analysis, Journal of Management Studies, 30, 131-45.
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