- (2010). Projections of the Impact of Pension Funds on Investment in Infrastructure and Growth in Latin America. BBVA Research Working Paper No. 01/2010, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria.
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- *As from 2004, EFRs are available in electronic format only.
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Arnoud Boot, Restructuring in the banking industry with implications for Europe. The above publications are available free of charge from: European Investment Bank Economic and Financial Studies 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg U infoefs@eib.org 3 (+352) 4379-82154 5 (+352) 4379-68895 www.eib.org/efs 96 Volume15 N2 2010 EIB PAPERS EIB Papers 2001 2002 Volume 7, Number 2, 2002: The financial integration of an enlarged EU. Macroeconomic interlinkages Robert A. Feldman & Nancy Wagner, The financial sector, macroeconomic policy and performance. Paul De Grauwe & Marianna Grimaldi, Exchange rate regimes and financial vulnerability. Willem Buiter & Clemes Grafe, Anchor, float or abandon ship: exchange rate regimes for the Accession countries.
Briceno-Garmendia, C., Estache, A. and Shafik, N. (2004). Infrastructure Services in Developing Countries: Access, Quality, Costs, and Policy Reform. Policy Research Paper No. 3468, The World Bank.
Gassner, K, Popov, A. and Pushak, N. (2009). Does Private Sector Participation Improve Performance in Electricity and Water Distribution?. Trends and Policy Options No. 6, Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF).
Harald Gruber, The diffusion of information technology in Europe. The above publications are available free of charge from: European Investment Bank Economic and Financial Studies 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg U infoefs@eib.org 3 (+352) 4379-82154 5 (+352) 4379-68895 www.eib.org/efs EIB PAPERS Volume15 N2 2010 97 EIB Papers 1999 2000 Volume 5, Number 2, 2000: Regional convergence in Europe. Theory and empirical evidence Daniel Mouque, A survey of socio-economic disparities between the regions of the EU. Angel de la Fuente, Convergence across countries and regions: Theory and empirics. Jacques-François Thisse, Agglomeration and regional imbalance: Why? And is it bad?. Philippe Martin, The role of public policy in the process of regional convergence. Patrick Vanhoudt, Thomas Mathä & Bert Smid, How productive are capital investments in Europe?.
ILO (2009). Protecting people, promoting jobs A survey of country employment and social protection responses to the global economic crisis. International Labour Organization, ILO report to the G20 Leaders' Summit, September 24-25, Pittsburgh, USA.
- IRF (2009). World Road Statistics 2009 Data 2002-2007, International Road Federation, Geneva.
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- ITU (2010). Measuring the information society, International Telecommunications Union, Geneva.
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- Luis Gonzalez-Pacheco & Alfred Steinherr, A proposal to stabilise the value of the ECU. The above publications are available free of charge from: European Investment Bank Economic and Financial Studies 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg U infoefs@eib.org 3 (+352) 4379-82154 5 (+352) 4379-68895 www.eib.org/efs EIB 12/2010 EN QH-PA-15-002-EN-C ISSN 1830-3676 Eu ro p e a n I nve s t m e n t B a n k Eu ro p e a n I nve s t m e n t B a n k Eu ro p e a n I nve s t m e n t B a n k Eu ro p e a n I nve s t m e n t B a n k Eu ro p e a n I nve s t m e n t B a n k EIB Papers Volume 15 No2 2010 Economic and Financial Studies 98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg www.eib.org/efs
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- OECD (2006). Infrastructure to 2030: Telecom, Land Transport, Water and Electricity, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris.
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- OECD (2007). Infrastructure to 2030, Volume 2: Mapping Policy for Electricity, Water and Transport, Paris.
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- Prüss-Üstün A., Bos R., Gore F., Bartram J. (2008). Safer water, better health: costs, benefits and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health. World Health Organization, Geneva.
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Report 2000/01 Dermot O'Brien & Rien Wagenvoort, Some empirical findings on the characteristics of cost-efficient credit institutions. Report 99/P3 Carsten Sprenger, Direct investment and the eastern enlargement of the EU. Report 99/P2 Daniel Piazolo, The credibility and growth effects of EU institutions for Eastern Europe. Report 99/P1 Hendrik Hassheider, Private sector investment as a means of financing Trans-European Networks. Report 99/02 Rien Wagenvoort & Paul Schure, The recursive thick frontier approach to estimating efficiency. Report 99/01 Paul Schure & Rien Wagenvoort, EconomiesofscaleandefficiencyinEuropeanbanking:Newevidence. Economic and Financial Reports are preliminary material circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment.
Report 2000/02 Christopher Hurst & Kristian Uppenberg, Investment issues in south-eastern Europe.
- Report 2001/02 Federico Galizia & Dermot O'Brien, Do capital expenditures determine debt issues? Report 2001/01 Federico Galizia with Thomas Steinberger, The savings gap of European Corporations: A first look at the available data.
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- Report 2001/03 Eric Perée & Alfred Steinherr, The euro and capital markets: A new era.
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Report 2002/01 Luisa Ferreira de Almeida & Patrick Vanhoudt, Catching the Celtic tiger by its tail.
Report 2002/02 A. Rossi, G. Bichisao & F. Campolongo, Hedge accounting within IAS39.
Report 2003/01 Rien Wagenvoort, Bank Survey evidence on bank lending to SMEs in the European Union.
- Report 2003/02 Federico Galizia, Measuring the financial gap of European corporations: an update.
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Report 2004/01 Federico Galizia, Systemic credit risk in the presence of concentration.
Report 2004/02 Alfred Steinherr, Ali Tukel & Murat Ucer, The Turkish Banking Sector: Challenges and Outlook in Transition to EU Membership.
Report 2005/01 Timo Välilä & Aaron Mehrotra, Evolution and determinants of public investment in Europe.
- Report 2005/02 Eric Perée & Timo Välilä, Fiscal Rules & Public Investment.
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Volume 1, Number 1, 1996: Special Issue on EMU Daniel Gros, The steeple chase towards EMU. Ole Rummel, On the feasibility of EMU with diverse European economic transmission mechanisms. Bernhard Winkler, Is Maastricht a good contract?. Paul de Grauwe, How to fix conversion rates at the start of EMU.
- Volume 2, Number 1, 1997: Banking in an uncertain world Edward Gardener & Philip Molyneux, The too-big-to-fail doctrine revisited. Agnès Belaisch, High real interest rates: A long-term risk?. Pier-Luigi Gilibert, Expected loss as a credit risk measure. Jacques Girard & Christopher Hurst, The capital structure of private infrastructure projects and the risk of default. Kristian Kjeldsen, Value-at-risk and capital adequacy: The challenge for financial regulation.
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- Volume 2, Number 2, 1997: The 1997 EIB Prize First Prize; Bernadette Frédérick & Peter Vanden Houte, What is the optimum strategy for freezing exchange rate parities at the start of EMU. Second Prize; Jean Dermine, Eurobanking, a new world. Joint Third Prize; Daniel Gros, The dynamics of European integration. Joint Third Prize; Martin Kolmar, On the efficiency of national social security systems in the European Union. Awards for Authors under 30 for essays by Pablo de Andrés Alonso & Félix J. Lopez Iturriaga; Volker Köllmann & Andri Kopperschmidt; and Jérôme Vacher.
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Volume 3, Number 1, 1998: Employment in Europe Christopher Hurst, A discussion of the papers and an overview of the role of investment. Jørgen Elmeskov, The unemployment problem in Europe: Lessons for implementing the OECD Jobs Strategy. Gilles Saint-Paul, Does technical progress create unemployment?. Michael Burda, The consequences of EU enlargement for Central and Eastern European labour markets. José Viñals & Juan Jimeno, The impact of EMU on European unemployment. Jacques Drèze, Alain Durré & Henri Sneessens, Investment stimulation, with the example of housing. Ole Rummel & Thomas Schröder, The employment effects of investment projects. Pascale Viala, Financing young and innovative enterprises in Europe: Supporting the venture capital industry.
- Volume 4, Number 1, 1999: European banking after EMU Christopher Hurst & Rien Wagenvoort, European banking after EMU. Martin Brookes, The impact of EMU on portfolio management. Graham Bishop, New capital market opportunities in Euroland. Colin Mayer, European capital markets: Competition between systems. Luigi Spaventa, Comments on the future of the EMU capital markets. Daniel Gros & Karel Lannoo, The structure of financial systems and macroeconomic instability. Clas Wihlborg, Supervision of banks after EMU. Christopher Hurst, Eric Perée & Mireille Fischbach, On the road to wonderland? Bank restructuring after EMU. Rien Wagenvoort & Paul Schure, Who are Europe's efficient bankers?. Philip Molyneux, Increasing concentration and competition in European banking: The end of anti-trust? Jean Dermine, The case for a European-wide strategy.
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Volume 4, Number 2, 1999: The 1999 EIB Prize First Prize; Philippe Martin, Are European regional policies delivering?. Second Prize; Rudi Dornbusch & Francesco Giavazzi, Hard currency and sound credit: A financial agenda for Central Europe. Third Prize; Jordi Gual, Deregulation, integration and market structure in European banking. Special Topic Prize; Jens Verner Andersen & Jørn Henrik Rasmussen, Solving the unemployment puzzle in Europe.
Volume 5, Number 1, 2000: Regional development in Europe. An assessment of policy strategies Christopher Hurst, Jacques-François Thisse & Patrick Vanhoudt, What diagnosis for Europe's ailing regions? Yannis Ioannides & George Petrakos, Regional disparities in Greece: The performance of Crete, Peloponnese & Thessaly. Rodolfo Helg, Giovanni Peri & Gianfranco Viesti, Abruzzo & Sicily: Catching up and lagging behind. Andrés RodrÃguez-Pose, Economic convergence and regional development strategies in Spain: The case of Galicia & Navarre. Margarethe Quehenberger, Lessons from Eastern Germany. Bertrand Rossert, Contributing to regional development through project selection.
- Volume 6, Number 1, 2001: European economic growth. The impact of new technologies Christopher Hurst & Kristian Uppenberg, Wonders will never cease: Prospects for a new economy in Europe. Paul David, Productivity growth prospects and the new economy in historical perspective. Patrick Vanhoudt & Luca Onorante, Measuring economic growth and the new economy. Danny Quah, ICT clusters in development: Theory and evidence. Hermann Hauser, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Andrew Gillespie, Ranald Richardson & James Cornford, Regional development and the new economy. Luc Soete & Bas ter Weel, Computers and employment: The truth about e-skills.
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Volume 6, Number 2, 2001: The 2001 EIB Prize First Prize; Erich Gundlach & Luder Wößmann, Better schools for Europe. Second Prize; Jan Fidrmuc, Democracy in transition economies: Grease or sand in the wheels of growth. Third Prize; Gilles Duranton & Vassilis Monastiriotis, The evolution of the UK North-South divide: Should we mind the gap?.
- Volume 7, Number 1, 2002: The financial integration of an enlarged EU. Banking and capital markets Armin Riess, Rien Wagenvoort & Peter Zajc, Practice makes perfect: A review of banking in Central and Eastern Europe. Dana Hájková, Jan Hanousek & Libor Nmecek, The Czech Republic's banking sector: Emerging from turbulent times. Éva Várhegyi, Hungary's banking sector: Achievements and challenges. Peter Zajc, Slovenian banks a decade later. Erich Hampel, Successful banking in an enlarged EU. Jens Köke & Michael Schröder, The future of Eastern European capital markets.
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Volume 8, Number 1, 2003: Europe's changing financial landscape. Recent developments and prospects Eric Perée & Armin Riess, The transformation of finance in Europe: introduction and overview. Thorsten Beck, Stock markets, banks, and economic development: theory and evidence. Graham Bishop, The role and development of EU capital markets.
- World Bank (1994). World Development Report Infrastructure, Washington, D.C. World Bank (2005). Global Monitoring Report Millennium Development Goals: From Consensus to Momentum, Washington, D.C. World Bank (2009a). World Development Indicators, Washington, D.C. World Bank (2009b). Global Monitoring Report, Washington, D.C. Yepes, T. (2008). Investment needs in infrastructure in developing countries: 2008-2015. The World Bank, mimeo.
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