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Openness and Inequality in Developing Countries: A New Look at the Evidence. (2006). Gourdon, Julien.
In: MPRA Paper.

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  1. Analyzing the Kuznets Relationship using Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods. (2012). Li, Kui-Wai.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  2. Re-examining Kuznets Hypothesis: Does Data Matter?. (2009). Jalil, Mohammad Muaz .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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References cited by this document

  1. Freedom House Infrastructure Quantity (Stock); Principal component analysis on road per km, telephone lines per workers, power Gigawatt per worker Quality: waiting times for phone com., energy losses, paved road Calderon and Serven (2004) Tariffs Import duties comprise all levies collected on goods at the point of entry into the country. In % of Imports WDI (2004) Index Dollar Index of price distortion Dollar (1992) Index Pritchett Adjusted Trade ratio: residual once we account for size and distance Pritchett (1996) Index Spilimbergo Adjusted Trade ratio: residual once we account for size, distance and difference in factor endowment Spilimbergo and al. (1999) Index Leamer Adjusted Net Trade ratio: residual once we account for size, distance and difference in factor endowment Leamer (1987) Index Hiscox & Kastner Fixed country years effect in a gravity model once we account for size, distance and difference in factor endowment.
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  2. Hiscox & Kastner (2002) Black market premium Black market premium WDI (2004) Index Wacziarg & Welch Index taking value 0 or 1 depending on liberalization Wacziarg & Welch (2005) Tax Barro & Lee Tax on capital and input Barro and Lee (2002) (X+M)/Gdp Output trade ratio WDI (2004) A.3: Construction of index of relative factor endowment (RE) Let iftE is per capita endowment of country i in factor f in year t and * ftE the world per capita effective endowment of country i in factor f in year t , computed by weighting every country's endowment by the population and by the degree of openness. * ift i i i ft i i i X M E pop GDP E X M pop GDP The indicators of relative advantage is * ift ift ft E RE E
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  3. Rodríguez, F. and D. Rodrik (2000). Trade Policy and Economic Growth: A Skeptics Guide to the Cross-National Evidence, in Ben Bernanke and Kenneth Rogoff, eds., NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2000, Cambridge (MA): MIT Press.
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