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Advocating new reforms of the E(M)U economic governance. (2017). Creel, Jerome ; Villemot, Sebastien ; Timbeau, Xavier ; Ducoudre, Bruno ; Sampognaro, Raul ; Blot, Christophe.
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  1. ETUC (2013): The ETUC coordination of collective bargaining and wages in the EU economic governance adopted at the meeting of the Executive Committee on 22-23 October 2013, Brussels. pdf/EN-The_ETUC_resolution_Coordination_of_Collective_Bargaining_ and_Wages.pdf ETUC (2015): ETUC Action Programme 2015-2019, Brussels. https:// -rapport-uk-ld_def_0.pdf Hein, Eckhard; Niechoj Torsten. (2007): Guidelines for Sustained Growth in the EU? The Concept and Consequences of the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines, in Mc-Combie, John; Rodriguez Carlos (eds) The European Union. Current Problems and Prospects, Basingstoke, 5–25.
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  2. Lehndorff, Steffen; Dribbusch, Heiner; Schulten, Thorsten (eds.) (2017 forthcoming) : A rough landscape – European Trade Unions in a time of crises, Brussels.
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  3. Müller, Torsten (2015): The king is dead – long live the king: what follows after the Troika?, ETUI, Working Paper 2015.09, Brussels.
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  4. Müller, Torsten; Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang (2016): Gewerkschaften und Arbeitsbeziehungen im Europa der Krise – Strukturdaten und EntwickSaving the Euro – redesigning Euro Area economic governance lungstrends im Vergleich, in: Bsirske, Frank et al. (Hrsg.): Gewerkschaften in der Eurokrise – Nationaler Anpassungsdruck und europäische Strategien, Hamburg, 10-44.
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  5. Müller, Torsten; Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang (2017 forthcoming): The European trade union federations: profiles and power resources – changes and challenges in times of crisis, in: Lehndorff, Steffen; Dribbusch, Heiner; Schulten, Thorsten (eds.) (2017 forthcoming): A rough landscape – European Trade Unions in a time of crises, Brussels.
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  6. Oberndorfer, Lukas (2013): Pakt(e) für Wettbewerbsfähigkeit als nächste Etappe in der Entdemokratisierung der Wirtschaftspolitik? Arbeiterkammer Wien Infobrief EU & International No. 1, 19–26.
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  7. Schulten, Thorsten; Müller, Torsten (2015): European economic governance and its intervention in national wage development and collective bargaining, in Lehndorff, Steffen. (ed.), Divisive integration: The triumph of failed ideas in Europe – revisited, Brussels, 331–363.
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