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A Good Opening: The Key to Make the Most of Unilateral Climate Action. (2013). De Cian, Enrica ; Bosetti, Valentina ; DeCian, Enrica .
In: Environmental & Resource Economics.

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  1. Adaptation, mitigation and risk-taking in climate policy. (2018). Thum, Marcel ; Konrad, Kai ; Auerswald, Heike.
    In: Journal of Economics.

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  2. LEADERSHIP IN CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION: CONSEQUENCES AND INCENTIVES. (2018). Schwerhoff, Gregor ; Lessmann, Kai ; Pahle, Michael ; Kornek, Ulrike.
    In: Journal of Economic Surveys.

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  3. Climate Policies with Private Information: The Case for Unilateral Action. (2016). Wirl, Franz ; Helm, Carsten.
    In: Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.

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  4. Economic Implications of EU Mitigation Policies: Domestic and International Effects. (2016). Davide, Marinella ; Bosello, Francesco ; Alloisio, Isabella .
    In: Working Papers.

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  5. Economic Implications of EU Mitigation Policies: Domestic and International Effects. (2016). Davide, Marinella ; Bosello, Francesco ; Alloisio, Isabella .
    In: EIA: Climate Change: Economic Impacts and Adaptation.

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  6. The Stability and Effectiveness of Climate Coalitions. (2015). Yang, Zili ; Weikard, Hans-Peter ; Lessmann, Kai ; Emmerling, Johannes ; Dellink, Rob ; Bosetti, Valentina ; Kornek, Ulrike ; Nagashima, Miyuki ; Eyckmans, Johan.
    In: Environmental & Resource Economics.

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  7. Non- $$\hbox {CO}_2$$ CO 2 Generating Energy Shares in the World: Cross-Country Differences and Polarization. (2015). Villaverde, Jose ; Maza, Adolfo ; Hierro, Maria.
    In: Environmental & Resource Economics.

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  8. Induced technological change in moderate and fragmented climate change mitigation regimes. (2015). Marcucci, Adriana ; Turton, Hal.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  9. Carbon leakage in a fragmented climate regime: The dynamic response of global energy markets. (2015). Arroyo-Currs, Tabar ; Hilaire, Jrme ; Giannousakis, Anastasis ; Aboumahboub, Tino ; Luderer, Gunnar ; Schwanitz, Valeria Jana ; Kriegler, Elmar ; Bauer, Nico.
    In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

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  10. Drivers of regional decarbonization through 2100: A multi-model decomposition analysis. (2015). Fragkos, Panagiotis ; Marcucci, Adriana .
    In: Energy Economics.

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  11. Unilateral Climate Policy and Foreign Direct Investment with Firm and Country Heterogeneity. (2014). Tarola, Ornella ; Sestini, Roberta ; Sanna-Randaccio, Francesca.
    In: Working Papers.

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  12. European-Led Climate Policy Versus Global Mitigation Action. Implications on Trade, Technology, and Energy. (2014). Schumacher, Katja ; Sands, Ronald ; Hübler, Michael ; De Cian, Enrica ; Bollen, Johannes ; Paltsev, Sergey ; Kanudia, Amit ; Carrara, Samuel ; Hubler, Michael ; Keppo, Ilkka ; Forster, Hannah ; DeCian, Enrica .
    In: Working Papers.

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  13. The Stability and Effectiveness of Climate Coalitions: A Comparative Analysis of Multiple Integrated Assessment Models. (2014). Weikard, Hans-Peter ; Lessmann, Kai ; Emmerling, Johannes ; Dellink, Rob ; Bosetti, Valentina ; Yang, Zili ; Kornek, Ulrike ; Nagashima, Miyuki ; Eyckmans, Johan .
    In: Working Papers.

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  14. The Influence of Economic Growth, Population, and Fossil Fuel Scarcity on Energy Investments. (2013). De Cian, Enrica ; DeCian, Enrica ; Tavoni, Massimo ; Sferra, Fabio .
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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