- (b) Road infrastructure networks, including highways, national and regional roads, as of January, 1st , 2015. The data set includes road length and speed for each segment. Highways are only accessible via access ramps. ArcGIS Network Solver is used to retrieve bilateral travel distances and times. 3. The map of the geometric border proposal by the Sieyès committee is provided by French National Archives (Centre historique des Archives nationales - Atelier de photographie) . (a) The proposed geometric delineation is then geolocalized using ArcGIS.
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- 1. All demographic and administrative data are provided by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) for the year 2010. This includes: (a) A wide array of municipal characteristics, i.e., number of residents, number of workers, median wage (in e), sum of floor space across local primary residencies (for 2016). (b) The universe of municipality-to-municipality commuting flows for the entire mainland France. Commuting flows are further dissagregated by occupation (i.e., six socioeconomic categories) and transport mode.
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- 2. All geolocalized data are provided by the National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN) and processed using the geographic information system ArcGIS (esp., ArcGIS Network Solver) as of 2015. This includes: (a) All administrative borders, including national, departmental and municipal levels, as of January, 1st , 2015.
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- 4. Housing rents (in euro per m2 ) are provided by Chapelle and Eyméoud (2017) at the municipal level. This last dataset is based on a web scrapping of Franceâs largest online rental platforms. It is however important to note that, in some municipalities, no advertisement was posted during the surveying time. Hence, I do not observe rental prices for these municipalities. In the estimation, I treat these missing values as randomly missing. In the structural analysis, I replace missing housing rents with the average of the neighborsâ housing rents. Below, Table 7 provides simple descriptive statistics for municipalities within different bandwidths around local borders.
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