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Matching demand and supply in a weightless economy : market-driven creativity with and without IPRs. (2002). Quah, Danny .
In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.

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  1. Embodied Knowledge Transfer Comparing inter-firm labor mobility in the music industry and manufacturing industries. (2005). Sedita, Silvia Rita ; Frederiksen, Lars.
    In: DRUID Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. (2001a) “Demand-driven knowledge clusters in a weightless economy,” Working Paper, Economics Dept., LSE, London, April
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  2. (2001b) “The weightless economy in economic development,” In Information Technology, Productivity, and Economic Growth, ed. Matti Pohjola UNU/WIDER and Sitra (Oxford: Oxford University Press) chapter 4, pp. 72–96
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  3. (2002a) “24/7 competitive innovation,” Working Paper, Economics Department, LSE, London, March
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  4. (2002b) “Spatial agglomeration dynamics,” American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 92(2), 247–252, May
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