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Decentralising the health sector: issues in Brazil. (2000). Collins, Charles ; Araujo, Jose ; Barbosa, Jarbas.
In: Health Policy.

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  1. Brazilian hospitals’ performance: an assessment of the unified health system (SUS). (2020). Guedes, Gilvan Ramalho ; Andrade, Monica Viegas ; Botega, Laura.
    In: Health Care Management Science.

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  2. What happens when a woman wins an election? Evidence from close races in Brazil. (2016). Troiano, Ugo ; Brollo, Fernanda.
    In: Journal of Development Economics.

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  3. Confronting Health Inequalities in the BRICS: Political Institutions, Foreign Policy Aspirations and State-civil Societal Relationships. (2016). Gomez, Eduardo J.
    In: Global Policy.

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  4. Decentralization and Governance in the Ghana Health Sector. (2012). Couttolenc, Bernard F..
    In: World Bank Publications.

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  5. An analysis of the supplementary health sector in Brazil. (2007). Fernandes, Elton ; Sampaio, Lea Maria Dantas, ; Ignacio, Anibal Alberto Vilcapoma, ; Pires, Heloisa Marcia.
    In: Health Policy.

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  6. Decentralization and public services : the case of immunization. (2003). Khaleghian, Peyvand.
    In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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References cited by this document

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  4. Buss, P ; Gadelha, P. Health care system in transition: Brazil. Part 1: An outline of Brazil’s health care system reforms. 1996 Journal of Public Health Medicine. 18 289-295
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  16. Souza Vieira, AC. Articulacoes Estado/Sociedade Civil no Processo de Descentralizacao da Saude na Regiao Metropolitana do Recife, 1996 (unpublished).
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  17. Viana, AL ; Queiroz, MS ; Ibanez, N. Implementation of a single health system: new relationships between public and private sectors in Brazil. 1997 En : Altenstetter, C ; Warner Bjorkman, J Health Policy Reform, National Variations and Globalization. MacMillan Press: London
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  18. World Bank. Staff Appraisal Report. Brazil. Health Sector Reform — REFORSUS. Report no. 15522-BR. World Bank, 1996.
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