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An approximate threshold condition for non-autonomous system: An application to a vector-borne infection. (2005). Coutinho, F. A. B., ; Burattini, M. N. ; Lopez, L. F. ; Massad, E..
In: Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM).

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  1. .

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  2. Impact of combined vector-control and vaccination strategies on transmission dynamics of dengue fever: a model-based analysis. (2015). Brailsford, Sally ; Currie, Christine ; Knerer, Gerhart.
    In: Health Care Management Science.

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References cited by this document

  1. El’sgol’ts, E.L. Introduction to the Theory of Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments. 1966 Holden-Day Inc.: San Francisco
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  2. F.A.B. Coutinho, M.N. Burattini, L.F. Lopez, E. Massad, Threshold conditions for non-autonomous epidemic systems: application to modelling Dengue overwintering. Bull. Math. Biol., 2004 (submitted).
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  3. Lopez, L.F. ; Coutinho, F.A.B. ; Burattini, M.N. ; Massad, E. Threshold conditions for infection persistence in complex host–vectors interactions. 2002 Comptes Rendus Biol. Acad. Sci., Paris. 325 1073-1084
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  4. Macdonald, G. The analysis of equilibrium in malaria. 1952 Trop. Dis. Bull.. 49 813-828
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