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Toward Increased Cereals Production in Ethiopia: Using a Commodity Systems Approach to Evaluate Strategic Constraints and Opportunities. (1995). Said, Ali ; Bogale, Seifu ; Diskin, Patrick ; Howard, Julie A. ; Molla, Daniel.
In: Food Security Collaborative Working Papers.

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  1. Correlated Non-Classical Measurement Errors, Second Best Policy Inference and the Inverse Size-Productivity Relationship in Agriculture. (2018). Barrett, Christopher ; Abay, Kibrom ; Bernard, T ; Abate, G.
    In: 2018 Conference, July 28-August 2, 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia.

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  2. Correlated Non-Classical Measurement Errors, ‘Second Best’ Policy Inference and the Inverse Size-Productivity Relationship in Agriculture. (2018). Barrett, Christopher ; Abate, Gashaw ; Abay, Kibrom ; Bernard, Tanguy.
    In: 2018 Annual Meeting, August 5-7, Washington, D.C..

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  3. Estimating yield of food crops grown by smallholder farmers: A review in the Uganda context. (2011). Benson, Todd ; Fermont, Anneke .
    In: IFPRI discussion papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. Casley D.J. and Kumar, K. 1988. The Collection, Analysis and Use of Monitoring and Evaluation Data. John Hopkins Press. Washington D.C. :World Bank.
    Paper not yet in RePEc: Add citation now
  2. Kearle B. 1976. Field Data Collection in the Social Sciences: Experiences in Africa and the Middle East. Agricultural Development Council Inc. New York:NY.
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  3. Murphy J., Casley D.J. and Curry J.J. 1991. Farmers' Estimations as a Source of Production Data: Methodological Guidelines for Cereals in Africa. Washington D.C. :World Bank.
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  4. Poate C.D. and Casley D.J. 1985. Estimating Crop Production in Development Projects, Methods and Their Limitations. Washington D.C. :World Bank.
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  5. Riely F. and Mock N. 1995. Inventory of Food Security Impact Indicators. In: Food Security Indicators and Framework: A Handbook for Monitoring and Evaluation of Food Aid Programs. USAID, Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring Project (IMPACT) Publication. Virginia:Arlington.
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  6. Rozelle 5. 1991. Rural Household Data Collecting in Developing Countries: Designing Instruments and Methods for Collection Farm Production Data. Cornell University, Working Papers in Agricultural Economics. 9 1-17. New York:Ithaca.

  7. Verma V., Marchant T. and Scott C. 1988. Evaluation of Crop-Cut Methods and Farmer Reports for Estimating Crop Production: Results of a Methodological Study in Five African Countries. Longacre Agricultural Centre Ltd. London.
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  3. Estimating yield of food crops grown by smallholder farmers: A review in the Uganda context. (2011). Benson, Todd ; Fermont, Anneke .
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  8. Toward Increased Cereals Production in Ethiopia: Using a Commodity Systems Approach to Evaluate Strategic Constraints and Opportunities. (1995). Said, Ali ; Bogale, Seifu ; Diskin, Patrick ; Howard, Julie A. ; Molla, Daniel.
    In: Food Security Collaborative Working Papers.

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