It's hard to see your own face without a mirror.
If you want more, you have to require more from yourself.
My dad used to say, 'You wouldn't worry so much about what people thought about you if you knew how seldom they did.
I'm one of those that believes you can't be one kind of a man and another kind of president.
Take it from a guy: If you're in love with somebody, you will swim the stream, you will climb the mountain, you will slay the dragon. You're going to get to her somehow, some way.
You know, what we do know is that there is a high frequency of violence in the home of those who bully.
The problem is that for women, the average time is just over 14 minutes... men are left with about 12 minutes during which time they need to think of something to do!
I tell you, if you're in the front row of the parade and you stop walking, pretty soon you're back in the tuba section. And if you want to lead the parade you've got to keep moving.
When you get married, your loyalty, first and foremost, is to your spouse, and to the family that you create together.
A lot of people do have tragic childhoods. But you know what? Get over it.
You need to listen to your body because your body is listening to you.
At the end of the day, whether or not those people are comfortable with how you're living your life doesn't matter. What matters is whether you're comfortable with it.
I mean, if you degrade someone, you isolate them, you control them, you call them names, you demean them. That's a horrible existence for people.
I've talked to so many people, men and women alike, that get overweight and their self-esteem just goes in the tank. They think they're judged. They think they're unattractive.
Dr. Phil's Ten Life Laws
We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot forward, our best image. But behind that social mask is a personal truth, what we really, really believe about who we are and what we're capable of.
There are some sick people in this world.
Don't wait until you're in a crisis to come up with a crisis plan.
I mean, I'm very, very competitive.
Food is a coping mechanism; people are afraid of giving it up because then they'll feel confused and lost.
As parents we're not nearly as computer literate as our children are.
Parents need to dial in and know what their kids are doing.
I just am not good at math.
If you've gone into a marriage and you haven't been clear about how you're going to handle money, how you want to raise kids, who is going to work or stay home or what have you, then you've set yourself up for failure.