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About this website

March 22, 2018

What is this?

This is my personal homepage. Yes, I know that sounds a bit like 1998, and with good reason: back in 1998, it was common practice for individuals to build their own (crude) websites (geocities anybody?) and share their deepest thoughts and most garish color schemes. When social media giants like Facebook and Twitter appeared, most folks started using those services as their "homepage."

These services are a great way to share updates, photos, videos, stay in touch, and find out what is happening. I use many of them! That said, there are some issues:

The IndieWeb

I recently stumbled upon the IndieWeb. Definitions range wildly, but in my own interpretation the IndieWeb is a movement to decentralize the internet and give power back to individuals. It's the internet as we know it today – cat videos, introspective posts, emojis, location check-ins – but controlled by the people instead of giant corporations. It's personal websites that run on open-source software that use open standards to communicate with each other.

If you run your own website, the only person who can disable your account or censor your posts is you. You don't need to export your painstakingly-created status updates because you already have them on your own server. You need not be restricted by arbitrary post length restrictions, content types, or some corporation's idea of what your page should look like.

The Experiment

The experiment is to use this website as the source of as much of my online activity as possible. This is a website running WordPress augmented with a handful of cutting-edge plugins that give it futuristic IndieWeb powers. This site supports

You can do it too! Read about getting started in the IndieWeb here, and specifics with WordPress here.

Other thoughts

This is a highly technical project. It's taken a lot of reading, experimenting, learning, and troubleshooting to get up and running with all this fancy stuff. On top of that, I run my own home server, I own my own domain name, and I have the technical skills to hack it all together; this whole IndieWeb/personal social stream thing is not an off-the-shelf solution. I know most folks don't have the time or inclination to figure this out right now.

I think it's cutting-edge, it's the future of the internet! I wholly support its ideals, and although the barrier for entry is still quite high, perhaps we can make it lower by doing it and sharing with others.

I can imagine a future where most everybody has their own webserver running their own website, where they aren't beholden to the needs of advertising companies or multinational corporations, where they own the content they create and can easily interact with other individuals, where the stranglehold of Google and Facebook has lessened and people have more power over their online identities.

This is just a small step in that direction. As I learn more, I hope to help other folks and help make the world wide web a bit more open and free. In the meantime, you can just keep being my Facebook friend or Twitter follower and I'll keep posting from here.


This page was created in WordPress as HTML, exported as XML, converted to markdown, and heavily tweaked using command line tools like sed... So it might be weird. If it's missing stuff, for now you could view it on my old website