Firo (FIRO) Price
$1.2932 4.02%
Market cap
Market rank
Volume 24H
$1,039,663.02 5.68%
Price change 24h
-$0.05204 4.02%
Price change 7d
+$0.115 8.89%
What about Firo?
The creators of Firo envisioned this crypto as a preferred payment method for privacy-centric businesses and individuals. Firo uses a unique protocol that enables anonymous transactions, meaning there is no need to publicly disclose any personal information. The cryptocurrency, formerly known as Zcoin, had been initially intended for the Southeast Asian market but subsequently grew bigger. The Firo protocol, which makes use of the Dandelion protocol, was the first to conceal IP addresses without the help of Tor Browser or VPN. On January 18, 2021, a 51% attack hit the Firo network. The main objective of this attack, which replaced roughly a day's worth of blocks, was to defraud exchanges of their money. Nonetheless, Firo is still striving for its place in the privacy coin market.
Buy Firo Without Any Hassle
24h top price changes+$0.00093 35.50%
+$0.00098 28.68%
+$0.04464 19.23%
+$0.00156 16.77%
+$1.7112 14.51%
+$0.00374 14.08%
+$0.01671 12.61%
+$0.22669 12.23%
+$0.000000089 10.68%
+$0.00886 10.66%
What determines the price of Firo?
What was the starting price of Firo?
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