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#meta 2018-09-02

2018-09-02 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Which helps newcomers a bit
On the wiki editing question - we now have some degree of wiki editing using loqi that doesn't need login
Could we have a "log user x to wiki" command?
GorillaWarfare14, [eddie] and [jon] joined the channel
that seems like a good summary, Zegnat … thanks!
pierte, okdas, jeremych_, Ceber27 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I've done a little work gardening /RSS. It might be useful if someone could integrate information from /reader, especially under alternatives, but I don't feel competent to do so.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Feels like we should mention podcasts in the intro
As consumers of RSS?
wsm joined the channel
As the most current use of it.
Almost done.
[jeremycherfas] your summary reflects a lot of data I have collected when asking folks about the wiki…seems to be three main use cases 1: go to just learn more about indieweb, 2: go to figure out how you join chat, 3: looking for tutorial for your specific platform
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I'm glad to hear that your impressions match mine jgmac1106 It would be good to find a way of organising things on that basis.
one area folks could help is by adding to the tutorial section, I have been workign on reading the gettign started with wordpress page
….but need to redo it and add the mf2 stream plugin
mf2 feed sorry
I don't do enough IndieWeb with WP to help with that, to be honest. I'm not even sure that a getting started with WP should be visibly a part of the wiki. Wouldn't it be more useful as a standalone page?
…no but you could easily do a getting started with Known..we have one for AWS but it might need some updating
I will ping [macgenie] and see if they can add a getting started on page
Sine Known no longer offers a hosted option, I reckon it is a bit beyond Getting started. But I will take a look at the page.
yeah I have one I was doign for ReClaim Hosting…it means install 0.9.2…go to Mapckya page, find the 0.9.9 package, and update through sftp
the other option is teaching folks how to set up a mySQL database…and I did’t feel like doing that
The Known page could also use some love as bits of it are definitely wrong now. But I'm not going to do that.
I will have to ask [pfefferle] but I think we can now say with WordPress add mf2 feed, webmentions, semantic linkbacks, indieauth, and you are good to go
…if you aren’t who is… would be great at it
but I know wiki org is on /leaders agenda for NYC and Berlin
Actually, /Getting_Started_with_Known isn't even about getting started. And is a higher priority
and we can propose a session in NYC to do a deep dive into the wiki, and then do some gognitive labs with new folks between Berlin
[jgmac1106] yeah reads more like an infomercial than a guid
And Tantek hasn't touched it since 2016. Maybe I will give it a go. I have half an hour ...
I can help later as well....maybe I need to start pulling back from my own blog next week and spend two hours a day gardening...can't grow without pulling weeds
should there be a a tutorial for Drupal, Ruby, and SSG as well? or those too advanced for gettign started?
I wonder if [swentel] could do a getting started with Drupal tutorial
for more advanced tutorials we could add a prior knowledge section…..This tutorial assumes you already know how to spin up a Ruby application….
if you do not here is a guide to getting started with Ruby on Rails….link to somewhere else
Known's own Getting Started is also way out of date.
yeah…just use Marcus’s page
that is the msot current build
but you convinced me [jeremycherfas] going to spend my daily #indieweb allotment next week 1/2 on NYC planning and 1/2 on adding finishing getting started wiki pages
Just noticed a post from jgmac1106 in #known here that does not show up for me in #knownchat on IRC. What am I doing wrong.
[jgmac1106] @sdepolo We had talked awhile back about adding a Getting Started on #IndieWeb with @GoDaddy on here If you folks already have @WordPress or @withknown we can help. (
jeremycherfas, is that in #knownchat here on Freenode?
I don’t see any messages in there today either.
I noticed it in the chat logs at /chat
There is definitely a disconnect between irc #knownchat and
jeremych_ joined the channel
Hmm. Yesterday’s tweet from benwerd is also in the logs but doesn’t show in my client.
Loqi may be doing something wrong there. Nice find!
I just posted; can you see that in your client?
I don’t see anything in either channel or chat logs
Traffic there has been so light it was a pure fluke that I noticed it. Only because I wanted to check the link.
OK. That was using BNC. Let me try direct.
jeremych_ joined the channel
ah, never mind jeremycherfas
The chat is in moderated mode, probably to keep spam out
But literally nobody has +v
So it isn't logged?
So nobody, not even Loqi, can speak
The IRC server itself isn’t sending the messages along.
Can you fix that?
I just wrote in the channel, you wouldn’t have seen that though, because of moderated mode
Only a channel operator would be able to fix that
You're right. :) I don't see it.
Loqi’s anti-spam feature should be giving people “voice” (+v), just like on the indieweb channels.
And #knownchat does not have a channel operator.
But because Loqi isn’t an operator either ...
I am guessing the Twitter search bridge is working fine, and Loqi is “writing to IRC” (which also gets into Loqis logs, because it sees what it writes). So tweets show up in the chat logs but nothing else ever will
Oh well, my post wasn't that important. But it would be nice to have that channel back, just in case anyone wants to use it.
Ah, so that's why [jgmac1106] post showed up, because it started life as a tweet.
I'm going back to my BNC
According to ChanServ, only benwerd is on the access list of the #knownchat channel. It could be he is the only one that can restore it.
I'm not sure how to word that request; would you mind doing it?
I can shoot him a tweet, give me a second, in the middle of something else
No problem. I've done quite enough gardening for one day. Better get ahead of supper now.
Ask Ben to make Loqi ops with chanserv that way Loqi can do this on his own
He may also just want to add at least 1 more person with full ChanServ rights. The IndieWeb channels all have 3.
@benwerd it looks like you are the only chat operator for #knownchat on Freenode. Nobody can speak in there right now because of spam protection. Could you please +O Loqi through ChanServ? You may also want to consider appointing an extra person with rights to manage the channel.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Zegnat has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (148 in all channels)
[jon] and [tantek] joined the channel
Zegnat has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (149 in all channels)
(Still needs to catch up on the wiki editing / (by design) barriers to editing etc)
(I thought the Wil article was relevant here as Mastodon with a much *lower* barrier to entry led to highly toxic mobs, which I have zero interest in seeing here)
i think its a HUGE mistake to see the WIlW thing as a toxic mob
Only semi-surprised no one found / cited the existing FAQ about wiki editing barrier (probably needs both updating and better pathways to discovery)
it was community defense by trans people against somebody who had a history of harming trans people
From reading lots of individual mastodon threads of randoms replying to wil, I have to disagree Jon
Harassing someone is not defense. Ever
What I understood from the article, [tantek], is that instance admin saw reports coming in about him. And decided to act on that. That’s not really stopable with any sort of barrier. If people en-masse start contacting our CoC contacts about a specific user, we would probably act against that use too ...
I read all of Wil’s mastodon posts. Zero attacks by / from him on other people. So no, “community defense” is absolute false. There has to be an “attack” to call a response a defense.
On the harassment part, that’s a little harder for us. Harassment at events we can come down on hard. Harassment between websites, well, that’s decentralised and in no way affected by what we do.
Zegnat he got report-bombed. Just as toxic parties are doing on Twitter to get innocent users banned
important context for this is that on Twitter @wilwheaton had made a massively popular blocktogether list he aggressively promoted as “blocking the most abusive scum twitter” but he would put people on it for like, making Star Trek references at him. (Continued...)
I guess this is a similar question like we brought up during the last leaders' meeting, which is whether someone's actions outside of IWC should/could be used to ban them from IWC
Zegnat, did you read Wil’s mastodon posts? He didn’t do/say anything like that at all
wilw's actions *on mastodon* were not attacks on anyone, but people were mad at him for things he did elsewhere on other platforms in the past
[Zegnat] As for the CoC and community aspect: being banned from a Mastodon instance would be a bit like being banned from an IndieWebCamp. So that would be: would we bar someone entry when they haven’t even had the chance to break our CoC? I seem to recall ...
Aaronpk from what I can tell outside of mastodon, yes he added some shared block lists that happen to block some innocents. He then unblocked them himself
But the hate mobs ignore the second part (the unblocking) and decided to propagate only the first half of the story to rile people up.
wait. i want to go meta-meta here
There are two sets of bad actor here
tantak your opinion is under-informed - and you obviously didn’t read the twitter thread
Jon I read plenty of twitter threads
“He then unblocked them himself” - I am reading a lot of very split opinion on that. Some say that he has unblocked a few people when pointed out to him, while at the same time he kept adding more people to the blocklist. And a disproportional amount of the people he was adding was from minority groups.
Pleas do not assume “under informed” you have no ideas what I’ve read / not read
you are making an inaccurate statement that clearly reflects you not havingn read the thread i just shared
which is giving you the benefit of the doubt - if you have read it, you’re ignoring trans people’s perspectives to defend a cis person.
Jon no days ago I spent many hours reading tons of threads.
you started out this conversation by characterizing trans people’s methods you disagree about as a “toxic mob”
The words said on Mastodon in offtopic replies to Wil yes were a toxic mob
Yes I disagree with harassment as a method
It’s against our code of conduct
Hateful/harassing behavior towards other people is unacceptable regardless of the identities involved. Popular or unpopular. Privileged or less privileged.
Not an acceptable tool for discourse
Jon, you said “trans people” never have I said that so please do not put any words in my mouth.
they’re the people who you’re referring to as a “toxic mob”
On Mastodon all I saw was random people with random icons saying unnecessarily hateful and harassing things completely offtopic from anything Wil posted
Sometimes in apparent coordination and across multiple offtopic posts
Those actions deserve the general labeling as toxic mob
The entire specific Wil case isn’t really what is important here. (Though I do not want to belittle it either.) Discussion of the actual who-did-what-and-why can probably best go to #indieweb-chat.
I think it is more interesting for us (read: IndieWeb community) to see how we can 1) counter fights like that happening at or around IndieWeb events, and 2) improve the indieweb building blocks so people will not be harrassed on their own websites.
Zegnat the example is important IMO because if a new person A shows up here, says only on topic or positive or neutral things. Then if new people B, C, D ... Z show up and start harassing that person then we need to deal with it
And the mastodon instance admin getting “60 reports / day” not wanting to deal with it is not a good enough repsponse.
Yes. And we have discussed that, though maybe not to a satisfactory conclusion, when we discussed what we would do if Alex Jones (was that our example at Leaders?) wanted to attend IWC.
AngeloGladding joined the channel
Yes and in that example there is an unapologetic individual that says unprompted hateful / harassing things elsewhere on the internet
Whereas Wil is obviously both apologetic and tired of defending himself to as not being / saying hateful things (per his blog post)
Will is most definitely not “obviously apologetic”.
Except that it isn’t clear he wasn’t still doing harm to minorities by pushing his blocklist and keeping up with adding people to it.
And per his mastodon posts etc
And that the people who had issues with his silence on an abuse case also do not find him apologetic. Instead... well, the oposite as he isn’t speaking up on it at all.
He’s made it clear (again in his post) that he has no hate and has actively tried to reduce harm from the shred block list thing
Wil did a long post on blocklists a few months ago, and didn’t even mention the situation his block list - let alone say “if you subscribed to my blocklist you’re blocking a lot of people by mistake, here’s how to undo it.”
(Which makes me think this is a general flaw in shared block lists , not a particular individuals fault)
I agree about the flaw in shared block lists. But no, he has not actually made an effort to reduce harm. I know multiple trans people who tried to contact him and were ignored. I know trans people who were not on randi harper’s block list and were on his.
Zegnat, conflating any kind of “silence” with active harm is very problematic
Our code of conduct is very different about those for good reason
[tantek], sure, but it was just one of the reasons people didn’t feel comfortable with him and would report him.
Also that “abuse case” is not even about him! It’s third part
3rd party!
Reporting someone for silence makes zero sense
Jon I’ll take your word for it
Seems like the shared block list thing was so problematic that he should have abandoned it completely.
Though in the end isn’t that what he in effect did? He quit Twitter, this abandoning all twitter tools, including 3rd party block lists. I think that’s a reasonable option to take. If sometime is so broken sometimes the best option is to abandon - whether a shared block list or apparently all of Twitter (from his perspective, too much time/work to fix)
For sure.
he cost a lot of trans people money. and then rather than trying to make it right he left. so i don’t think that makes it okay.
Jon, re effort to reduce harm. He claims he unblocked a bunch of people. That’s reduction of harm. Does that equate with 100% unblocking of everyone that should have been unblocked? No. Does it need to to be considered reduction harm? No. We said reduction, not elimination.
And yes to shared block lists being problematic. E.g. it is completely fair for Wil to block someone who makes Star Trek references that he has seen a thousand times. He isn’t interested in that part of Twitter. The problem is when he gets big parts of his following to auto-block the same people he blocks. From that point forward he should have much more carefully considered the effects of adding anyone to the list.
I don’t actually have a bone to pick in this fight, as Wil hasn’t been on my radar for a while now and I do not personally know anyone from my LGBTQ+ circles in Sweden affected by this. Which is why I am much more interested in the actual underlying issue as it applies to our community: someone joins us who hasn’t done anything wrong while part of our community, but other community members start reporting them because they do
not feel comfortable about how this person has handled things in the past or outside the community, what do we do?
Zegnat that’s the “blame the user” for the complexity fallacy that is anti user-centric in UX design
Re: “more carefully considered the effects”
That’s not a reasonable generalization to make.
Not sure I agree there, [tantek]. As soon as Wil actively started to promote his blocklist as a product, he wasn’t just a user, he became a provider to other users. That doesn’t take away that the entire thing might have been too complex from the start and he didn’t realise what the tech was doing though, so part of it may be forgiven.
Or a request to make of *users* of a technology
Promote as a product? Was this something people paid for?
Did he profit from adoption of a block list?
He promoted it as in, he pinned it to the top of his twitter profile advertising it as a way to make Twitter a nicer place. And he kept it there while he kept updating the list.
Feels like something he was specifically offering to third-parties, possibly without realising the effects sure, but still.
“Offering to third parties” you mean sharing freely with followers?
I mean promoting it to anyone who visited his Twitter profile (hence pinned tweet)
Sharing prominently
Not a “product” not “sold”, no “profit”
Do you see how such phrases can be an unhelpful exaggeration?
Maybe a language difference?
If he had done a tweet “here is my blocklist, maybe you find it useful too” I would have seen that a lot different. But he had a pinned tweet saying “If you want to remove a lot of toxic garbage from your mentions and timelines, you can subscribe to my blocklist”. Specifically promoting it as being against things that are often refered to as toxic on social media, as well as making it sound like a solution.
Did it help?
[tantek] do you see how you focusing on specific wording can seen as you defending anti-trans behavior?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I don’t think something only qualifies as a product when it is sold for profit. I think a lot of IndieWeb software and services are products. But my use of the word “product” might be rooted in a language difference.
language difference as in rooted in not being a native english speaker
Jon, no. Because all I have said is the posts from Wil on Mastodon we’re both not negative (not anti-anyone), and in several places he specifically attempted to clarify that he wasn’t anti-trans
Jon, what you are described is lynch mob behavior of people acting merely by / on 3rd party hearsay, against an individual attempting to both stay positive and clear up misunderstandings
tantek, with that last question, i meant your quibbling about whether or not the anti-trans list he promoted was a “product” or not.
He promoted a shared block list. Nowhere did he say or promote an “anti-trans list”. Your words. Not his, not his promotion.
[btw Zegnat i think you’re bringing up reasonable points and am sorry if I’m derailing.]
Jon, not helpful to insinuate by reframing what someone has not said
Dinner is ready. So officially bowing out now. Also realised this might be a conversation better had in person than over text because social cues given around the room. Cheers
Zegnat, yes some of this would definitely be better in person
The list was anti-trans. I don’t understand why you’re focused on whether he described it that way.
Because he says he is not anti-trans therefore the list was something else to him.
Anti-trans people often say they’re anti-trans. Racists often say they’re not racists. Impact > intent.
oops, I meant “Anti-trans people often say they’re not anti-trans”
and, he clearly doesn’t think of himself as anti-trans
the list he shared impacted the income of a lot of trans people. it was in practice anti-trans.
Enjoy, Zegnat.
Everyone is susceptible to the fundamental attribution error. Wheaton doesn't think of himself as anti-trans. Linehan claims he isn't (though that is less supportable)
Jon, if there were indeed measurable income impacts, that ought to be documented with citations, and a reasonable criticism to add to Wil’s Wikipedia article (with said citations). those are pretty strong claims and thus need equivalently strong sources (that would likely be sufficient to cite on WP)
Also all of this is a good criticism of shared block lists in general
I’ve certainly been convinced to not pursue developing the technology, seems like the potential it has for harm is greater than it has for good
Especially harm toward underprivileged groups which is a particularly bad harm IMO
i agree it’s a good criticism of shared block lists, and i agree with Zegnat about the interesting meta-issue of what to do when somebody with a (known or argumentatively) problematic past history shows up in Indieweb. I also agree that it highlights some interesting software engineering issues (in fact I’m working on a post on that)
Zegnat, enjoy dinner. I’m definitely interested in your opinion of whether there is any hope in shared block lists or is the idea so flawed that we should be sure to document it as such as a warning to others who may want to implement them
What is a block list?
A block list is a list of accounts that a user has blocked on a service or site
in terms of the measurable income impacts … earlier when i suggested you hadn’t read the link i shared, you got offended. but once again it sounds to me like you didn’t.
Jon, it sounds like we have different opinions re Wil based on different readings / info etc and perhaps as Zegnat suggests better discussed in person. Will you be at XOXO?
Also I’m sure we can discuss more productive topics too or instead
no i won’t be at XOXO.
Jon, on mobile so not deep diving into long threads rn. My point was, such income lose is a strong claim, requiring strong enough evidence that should be citable on Wikipedia which would be a better filter for it than debating it here
I think there is a Susan Fowler problem here. A need for an unproblematic victim to change the balance of opinion.
That’s not a pushback, to be clear.
If income loss has occurred as a result of shared block lists that’s a criticism that should be captured as a big warning against them
And especially if it was income loss among underprivileged groups
Kevinmarks the part that still concerns me is the toxic mob effect that happened on Mastodon, and that I don’t want to see happen in IndieWeb community spaces
Any space that allows or gives into toxic mobs is particularly bad for the folks that are less privileged, more vulnerable.
I’d rather we explicitly be prepared for any such behavior. Ounce of prevention and all that
The part that concerns me the most is that a leader of the Indieweb community has been told by a trans person that he’s using anti-trans language and is continuing to do so
Can you say "brigading" rather than "toxic mob"? You need a structural term. Jon is right that in describing the it this way you are prejudging
Who and what language and when?
Vague attacks and such claims is exactly the kind of thing that it seemed like such mobs or brigades to use KevinMarks’s term latch onto as a source / excuse to attack. Again, not helpful.
Kevinmarks I saw toxicity in the replies to Wil’s posts on Mastodon.
I believe that the toxicity was so self-evident that casual uninvolved observers (as I was, not knowing Wil myself not having any involvement in any last cited events) would conclude similarly.
*past cited events
And injecting such posts to discredit a group is a well worn tactic too.
Kevinmarks it’s not even clear from the Mastodon replies that there is a well defined group there
Such a claim of “a [specific] group” was never made nor implied
(Other than random coordination of seeming anons on the internet - hence “mob” - people acting apparently in concert without any necessary prior affiliation)
It is very messy, yes. There are shit posters and a lot of mutual blocking. One attempt to narrate this
So from what I can gather about this mastodon drama: 0) is setup, bans Lauralai Bailey on sight. 1) Wil Wheaton shows up and people crack jokes. 2) someone with a owns him hard using a BOFA varient ("EIDma")
benwerd joined the channel
Kevinmarks it sounds like it’s getting worse
(On Mastodon, re instance blocking etc)
This whole phenomenon reminds me of Derek Powazek’s blog post “The Argument Machine”
pk12249 joined the channel
Perhaps by making such usable federated microblogging software, Mastodon is a decentralized argument machine.
Is this a problem with rapid fire microblogging in general?
Arguably, yes. I've said myself that prioritising mentions as the key thing is structurally problematic.
And that has implications for webmentions too.
Or UX of comments in general?
Likes/reposts don’t seem to be an argument propagator themselves
comments in *particular
Reposts can be - they can be a "look at this fool, go get him" signal
Good point
Is that something worth documenting as a known abuse on /repost ?
As a warning to implementers?
Or is it less of a vulnerability when a repost shows up on someone’s personal site?
Maybe depends a lot on how reposts are presented?
It can be a micro-fisk
petermolnar, linuxmodder1, [keithjgrant], [jon], mrdata7, AngeloGladding and [tantek] joined the channel
one thing to think about Alex Jones, Wil Wheaton discussion, if a CoC band people for past transgression what is required to make amends of past sins? What sins are unforgiveable? Who decides?
that’s why I fear CoC looking at past transgression rather than violating the policies established
jgmac1106: past sins stay behind, unless brought in. See "What's in there? // Only what you take with you"
there are world-wide laws which obviously nobody want to circumvent (think war criminals, etc)
but people can realize mistakes, and should not be punished throughout their remaining lives for past mistakes
that would be an extremely unforgiving world
I agree with [jon] and dgold's comments re: the Wil Wheaton thing. The meta discussion is good, but if we're looking for examples of "brigading" or "toxic mobs" or whatever the term is, there are better examples.
Pick from a variety of LGBTQ+ who have been harassed off the platform over the years.
Harassed off Mastodon?
Petermolnar is right re problem of unforgiving world
gRegorLove also trying to think about our own CoC maybe the line is “While these CoC govern IndieWeb events and online spaces community members may feel threatened or harrased in other online spaces. Continued harrassment across the web, regardless of of the space, can be reported using the process below
That’s precisely why the CoC emphasizes respect, admitting, apologizing etc instead of banning.
Sorry, I meant "Twitter" not "the platform"
Not suggesting being unforgiving. I think certain levels of repentance/restitution can be appropriate. As jon shared and that Twitter thread explains, the actions caused financial harm to people.
"Sorry, I didn't realize I was blocking some innocents" doesn't seem enough imo
Gregorlove yes of course Twitter has plenty of examples. This was the first I saw on a decentralized system/ecosystem which seemed particularly applicable and concerning to any dweb systems / communities (including IndieWeb)
Gregorlove yes that sounds like an insufficient apology.
Does such insufficiency justify brigading? Or any harassment? I would say no
[jgmac1106] good ideas re: reporting “continued harassment across the web”. Those are good qualifiers. Present (not past), pattern (beyond single incident), perhaps multiple venues (across sites)
I wasn’t a part of the crowd that chased him off Mastodon but they didn’t do it as revenge. They did it because they were afraid he would once again use his power and platform to attack or communities again. He did material harm. We need a material fix. He’s anti-LGBT
fear is a very powerful drive to make the wrong decisions
I'm not sure yet that I agree with the framing as harassment. I'm less familiar with the term "brigading"
Indeed. So is name calling.
Gregorlove I will push back on the “anti-LGBT” labeling
That author addressed that higher up in the thread.
It doesn’t matter what personal views Wil holds. He’s anti-LGBT because he harmed our community in a massive material way. Everyone knows someone who was impacted. He put already poor people into poverty. He has a net worth of $500,000. He has power we don’t have. He did this.
I'm with [tantek] on this; the labelling is coming from one of the involved parties
wait, wait, no
that is not logic
This is maybe veering off topic for meta
I'm still a bit uncertain what are we trying to discuss/prevent and what are we prepairing forr
I still think there are better examples to use for a discussion of how IndieWeb community deals with reports of harassment outside IndieWeb spaces/events.
(bringing it back OT a bit :)
Firstly: thanks for sticking with us [jon]!
Secondly: I think everyone agrees that the way Wil got treated wasn’t pretty. It was a mass of people acting at once to stop something they thought of as future harm. These sort of reaction should never be encouraged, and I think [jon]’s point of working on strong moderation is what was needed there. Instance administrators didn’t have the experience or the tools to handle it, so it became a judgement-by-the-people (if that
Thirdly: the fact that this is powered by how easy it is to react to things online is a good observation. And yes, this will also apply to webmentions. (As petermolnar has pointed out, it would be trivial to spam mentions at someone.) This is a part we would have to focus on, because there is no such thing as third-party moderators between my website and anothers. Do block lists have a place here? ... Maybe.
Fourthly: I do think that this was a case of the negative side of a blocklist, and worth documenting on the wiki. I don’t recall who said it first, but the idea of “a shared blocklist of people” is dangerous. It is really easy for this to be a list of “types of people I do not approve of” and for that to unwittingly (or wittingly!) propogate.
[Jon Pincus] 4) Work with experienced moderators to develop tutorials and guides for admins and moderators as well as looking for ways to improve the software. A community for moderators would also be very useful here, perhaps implemented as an instance with mod...
Woops. Sorry to press enter just as you are bringing it OT, gRegorLove! I think I didn’t swerve too far of though :D
No worries!
re 1035544377966374912 - so anti-x is = harming, intentions don't matter at all...?
Intent isn't magic
[[jon]] Anti-trans people often say they’re anti-trans. Racists often say they’re not racists. Impact > intent.
(not to say intent doesn't matter at all)
intent _is_ what makes someone anti-x
ok, really done with off-topic (not trying to shut it down, can continue in chat if you like)
gRegorLove, yeah, the applying of the CoC to things that happened outside of direct IndieWeb things is interesting.
Would you mind adding that on the agenda for Leaders again? /Leaders#Issues We discussed some theoreticals last time but I honestly do not recall reaching an actionable conclussion.
[zegnat] [tantek] yes I was trying to play with the wording that allowed for a reporting mechanism for a situation hey this dude is a jerk over on X, see A, B, C don’t let him in Y bc I find the behavior threatening
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
btw the Vouch as chained whitelist should be a good enough protection, shouldn't it? I don't think block/blacklists would do any good for webmentions; greylists, on the other hand, my be useful, if we can adapt somehow.
nyaah, this is -dev
sorry, I move it there
[jon] and then help me try to get the cr0ss-posting on social.scholar so I can rejoin, that is the instance of my people, but I think the use “cross-poster” with a negative connotation and only allow you publish unlisted
Thinking about the moderation part again, I feel strongly once more that we need a wider timezone spread of chat moderators.
Zegnat should we formalize moderators?
Maybe. Honestly, as we discussed before, everyone should feel empowered to step up and moderate in coc conflicts. But on the technical side, people may step up but be powerless to kick an agressor out of the chat anyway. So having people available who may act in the communities best interest in such cases could be good.
E.g. when [eddie] was granted powers on Slack to remove spam there. Give a trusted party certain technical abilitites.
vivus, [grantcodes], [kevinmarks] and jelly16 joined the channel; vivus left the channel