
82 Pins
Cool Stitches on Instagram: "This TOAST inspired raglan sweater was finished a couple of weeks ago back at the end of February and even though i wore it nearly every single day since i hadn’t taken any photos of the finished project. So here it is ✨ when i say inspired i mean that i pretty much copied the design (last slide if you want to see the inspo). Mine ended up being a little bit more structured due to my yarn choice and i also changed the raglan increases. With this yarn the original design would have turned out too bulky in my opinion. If you want to make a sweater like this you can basically use any raglan sweater pattern. The thing that makes the design cool is the rolled edge on the ribbing and that’s easily achieved by having a few rows of stockinette at the end of the ribb
Sweater No. 19 pattern by My Favourite Things
Ravelry: Sweater No. 19 pattern by My Favourite Things
ppoppo sweater pattern by aegyoknit
Ppoppo sweater is a slightly oversized sweater with double pearl stitchrunning through the entire work. The sweater is worked top-down with German-short-rows worked simultaneously with the neckband to shape the neckline. It has different details going on with consistent stitches going through - on both the sleeves and body to create a sculpted look. The sweater does not require additional finishing.
Zipper sweater man
Detta stickmönster är på svenska.Zipper Sweater - Man stickas uppifrån och ner i ett stycke. Halskanten stickas i resår, som viks dubbel och stickas ner. Oket stickas med raglanökningar, först fram och tillbaka på rundstickan för att skapa plats åt blixtlåset, och därefter runt på rundstickan. Bål och ärmar stickas runt. Till sist stickas en infodring till blixtlåset ut från vilande maskor, så att blixtlåset ser snyggt ut även från baksidan när det sytts fast. Blixtlåset monteras till sist genom
Klint Classic fra Anne Ventzel
Strikket en tråd Rustica (fv. BSR05) + en tråd Silk Mohair (fv. 14557) fra Butik Smuksak 🤍​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Skøn pasform i et lækkert mønster med en flot karakteristisk raglan og drejet ribkanter. Måske også en ny favorit-basis i din strikkegarderobe? Find flere farver i Rustica og Silk Mohair på Forbrug: XS-M - 3 fed Rustica, 5 ngl Silk Mohair L-2XL - 4 fed Rustica, 6 ngl Silk Mohair Silk Mohair kan erstattes af Baby Alpaca. Beregn da et ekstra nøgle.