Unexplained Phenomena

35 Pins
Hoia Baciu Forest: World’s Most Haunted Forest - Hoia Baciu Forest
I'd love to check this out :) Hoia Baciu Forest in Cluj-Napoca Romania
MW Photo
Gameboy iPhone case! $2 on Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005DV7JZA/ref=oh_o04_s00_i00_details). Takes 4 months to ship, though...
This iPod is Full of Air - Yanko Design
iPod running bracelet with wireless headphones. I want one!!
Human Giants
This is an interesting article about remains found of giants. Not as 'freaks' but as a race. Unearthed artifacts from all over the world point to giants having been a real race of humans. Fun reading!
Hallelujah Mountains, China - These Chinese mountains are the inspiration for creating the environment in the movie Avatar and they are wonder of nature.
DyeHardClothing - Etsy
so nice (: Checkout my website and support my new clothing line and my mission to help orphans in Uganda
20 Images That Are Creepy As F*CK
The cathedral in the Spanish city of Salamanca was constructed in 1102, and is therefore one of the oldest such constructions in the world. It features magnificent stone carvings on all its walls, but one of them is a bit more special than the others. It bears the depiction of what appears to be a fully dressed astronaut in a space suit, complete with details such as the sole of his shoes. Nobody knows how he got there, or what a 20th century astronaut is doing on the walls of a 12th c. church.