Cloud Dough (Easy 3-Ingredient Playdough)
It takes just 3 simple ingredients (cornstarch, lotion or conditioner), and food colouring (optional) to make this simple, no-cook playdough that is a blast to play with. Kids have fun making the playdough, too! #clouddough #playdough #playdo #cornstarchplaydough #nocookplaydough #3ingredientplaydough #2ingredientplaydough #kidscooking #lotionplaydough
Simple 2 ingredient play dough recipe
Con sólo dos o tres ingredientes, nos enseñan en este post cómo hacer plastilina casera. Los propios niños son los que pueden crearla, formando parte del proceso, por lo que sentirán orgullosos de su creación, resultándoles mucho más motivador y llamativo que darle la plastilina industrial.
Gross Motor Ideas
Gross motor and fine motor ideas and activities with lifetime access to videos, resources, and planning ideas. This is a fabulous opportunity for teachers, therapists, and parents to have all of their movement ideas done for them. There are so many fun themes and so many great ideas! Best investment I've made in a long time.