gundam art

73 Pins
Awesome Gundam Digital Artworks [Updated 8/7/16]
GUNDAM GUY: Awesome Gundam Digital Artworks [Updated 5/10/16]
GNZ-002, Heng Z
Hi guys, this is my personal art work. For this work, I want to express a feeling - pressure, tenacious, unyielding, never giving up even under such pressure should continue to stand up and fight! I used high-poly to get a better result, and used Zbrush for the base-mesh by Zsphere, and imported to 3ds Max for topology, then brought back into Zbrush for detail and textures. Hair created in 3ds Max by hairtrix and rendered by Mentalray. Hope you like.
This is cool: Boomslank make anime-inspired gear that's not from any particular anime, so you ca
This is cool: Boomslank make anime-inspired gear that's not from any particular anime, so you can ex
Awesome Gundam Digital Artworks [Updated 8/7/16]
GUNDAM GUY: Awesome Gundam Digital Artworks [Updated 6/22/16]
SyahA ಠ,_」ಠ) Commission Closed on Twitter
Black0Chocoさんのツイート: "Faceless Rigell Hentera #mech #robot #digitalart… "
井上純一(希有馬屋)『逆資本論』発売中 on X
すっかりほのぼの4コマ漫画家なので、でたらめメカ描く機会も減った昨今ですすす #バイクの日