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CERN Accelerating science

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Recoil Distance Method Lifetime Measurements in 107Cd and 103Pd / Andgren, K ; Ashley, S F ; Regan, P H ; McCutchan, E A ; Zamfir, N V ; Amon, L ; Cakirli, R B ; Casten, R F ; Clark, R M ; Erduran, M N et al.
2006 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 831 (2006) , pp. 391-393 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Conference on Frontiers in Nuclear Structures, Astrophysics and Reactions, Kos, Greece, 12 - 17 Sep 2005, pp.391-393
Study of possible phase transitional behaviour in the geometric collective model and the IBA / Zhang, J Y ; Casten, R F ; Zamfir, N V
In : International Conference on Nuclear Structure at the Extreme, Lewes, UK, 17 - 19 Jun 1998, pp.953-956
Possible E(5/4) Symmetry in 135Ba / Fetea, M S ; Cakirli, R B ; Casten, R F ; Warner, D D
2005 - Published in : AIP Conf. Proc.: 802 (2005) , pp. 271-274 External link: Published version from AIP
In : International Symposium on Exotic Nuclear Systems, Debrecen, Hungary, 20 - 25 Jun 2005, pp.271-274
High-precision mass measurements in the rare-earth region to investigate the proton-neutron interaction / Cakirli, R B (Istanbul U.) ; Amon, L (Istanbul U.) ; Audi, G (Orsay, IPN) ; Beck, D (Darmstadt, GSI) ; Blaum, K (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Böhm, Ch (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Borgmann, Ch (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst.) ; Breitenfeldt, M (Leuven U.) ; Casten, R F (Yale U.) ; George, S (Michigan State U.) et al.
CERN-INTC-2009-039 ; INTC-P-273.
- 2009.
Structure of low-lying states in 128Ba from γ-γ angular correlations and polarization measurements / Wolf, A (Yale Univ. and Clark Univ. Massachussets and Nuclear Research Center Negev, Israel) ; Krücken, R (Yale Univ.) ; Zyromski, K E (Yale Univ.) ; Barton, C J (Yale niv.) ; Cooper, J R (Yale Univ.) ; Hecht, A A (Yale Univ.) ; Zamfir, N V (Yale Univ. and Clark Univ. Massachussets) ; Newmann, H (Yale Univ.) ; Novak, J R (Yale Univ.) ; Cederkäll, J (Yale Univ ; CERN) et al.
2002 - Published in : Phys. Rev. C 66 (2002) 24323-24330 APS Published version, local copy: PDF;
Gamma radiation studies on optical materials / Colby, E R ; Spencer, J ; Lum, G ; Plettner, T
- 2002. - 8 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
Miniaturization techniques for accelerators / Ha, W ; Mansell, J D ; Plettner, T ; Wisdom, J ; Spencer, J
- 2003. - 3 p.
Fulltext from SLAC
Weak Lensing / Amon, Alexandra (speaker)
2023 - 2086. Eucapt Conferences; Third EuCAPT Annual Symposium External links: Talk details; Event details In : Third EuCAPT Annual Symposium
Distinct evolutionary morphologies in nuclei and their experimental signatures / Casten, R
In : RIKEN Symposium on Quasiparticle and Phonon Excitations in Nuclei : Festschrift Soloviev (Vadim Georgievich), 1925 - 1998, Wako, Japan, 4 - 7 Dec 1999, pp.38-44
Rare B$_{s}$ --> $\gamma\gamma$ decay in supersymmetric theories / Akdeniz, K Gediz ; Aliev, T M ; Erduran, N M ; Toz, I E
- 1992. - 14 p.
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