Ionization potential of radium monofluoride
/ Wilkins, S.G. (MIT) ; Perrett, H.A. (Manchester U.) ; Udrescu, S.M. (MIT) ; Kyuberis, A.A. (U. Groningen, VSI) ; Pašteka, L.F. (U. Groningen, VSI ; Comenius U.) ; Au, M. (CERN ; Mainz U.) ; Belošević, I. (MIT ; TRIUMF) ; Berger, R. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Binnersley, C.L. (Manchester U.) ; Bissell, M.L. (Manchester U.) et al.
The ionization potential (IP) of radium monofluoride (RaF) was measured to be 4.969(2)[10] eV, revealing a relativistic enhancement in the series of alkaline earth monofluorides. [...]
Benchmark evaluation of a single frequency continuous wave OPO seeded pulsed dye amplifier for high-resolution laser spectroscopy
/ Urquiza-González, M (Unlisted, DE) ; Au, M (CERN ; Mainz U.) ; Bernerd, C (Leuven U.) ; Bissell, M (Manchester U.) ; van den Borne, B (Leuven U.) ; Chrysalidis, K (CERN) ; Cocolios, T E (Leuven U.) ; Fedosseev, V N (CERN) ; Flanagan, K T (Manchester U.) ; Garcia Ruiz, R G (MIT) et al.
The study of the atomic spectrum via resonant laser excitation provides access to underlying effects caused by the nuclear structure, which is of special interest in short-lived radioisotopes produced at Isotope Separator On-Line (ISOL) facilities. Current implementations of resonant laser ionization techniques often limit the extraction of the nuclear observables due to the low spectral resolution of the pulsed laser systems deployed. [...]
- Published in : Proc. SPIE 12399 (2023) 123990M
In : 26th Solid State Lasers XXXII: Technology and Devices (SPIE LASE), San Fancisco, CA, USA, 28 Jan - 3 Feb 2023, pp.123990M
Precision spectroscopy and laser-cooling scheme of a radium-containing molecule
/ Udrescu, S M (MIT) ; Wilkins, S G (MIT) ; Breier, A A (Kassel U.) ; Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M (CERN ; Leuven U.) ; Ruiz, R F Garcia (MIT) ; Au, M (CERN ; Mainz U.) ; Belošević, I (TRIUMF) ; Berger, R (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Bissell, M L (Manchester U.) ; Binnersley, C L (Manchester U.) et al.
Molecules containing heavy radioactive nuclei are predicted to be extremely sensitive to violations of the fundamental symmetries of nature. The nuclear octupole deformation of certain radium isotopes massively boosts the sensitivity of radium monofluoride molecules to symmetry-violating nuclear properties. [...]
2024 - 14 p.
- Published in : Nature Phys. 20 (2024) 202-207
Observation of the distribution of nuclear magnetization in a molecule
/ Wilkins, S.G. (MIT) ; Udrescu, S.M. (MIT) ; Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. (CERN ; Leuven U.) ; Garcia Ruiz, R.F. (MIT) ; Au, M. (CERN ; Mainz U.) ; Belošević, I. (TRIUMF) ; Berger, R. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Bissell, M.L. (Manchester U.) ; Breier, A.A. (Kassel U.) ; Brinson, A.J. (MIT) et al.
Rapid progress in the experimental control and interrogation of molecules, combined with developments in precise calculations of their structure, are enabling new opportunities in the investigation of nuclear and particle physics phenomena. [...]
A compact RFQ cooler buncher for CRIS experiments
/ Cooper, B S (Manchester U.) ; A Perrett, H (Manchester U.) ; Ricketts, C M (Manchester U.) ; Read, C (Manchester U.) ; Edwards, G (Manchester U.) ; Flanagan, K T (Manchester U.) ; Billowes, J (Manchester U.) ; Binnersley, C L (Manchester U.) ; Bissell, M L (Manchester U.) ; Cocolios, T E (Leuven U.) et al.
A compact radio frequency cooler buncher (RFQCB) is currently in development between The University of Manchester, KU Leuven and CERN. The device will be installed as part of the Collinear Resonance Ionisation Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at the Isotope separator On-line device (ISOLDE) at CERN. [...]
2019 - 8 p.
- Published in : Hyperfine Interact. 240 (2019) 52
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In : 7th International Conference on Trapped Charged Particles and Fundamental Physics, Takamatsu, Japan, 30 Sep - 5 Oct 2018, pp.52
Tin resonance-ionization schemes for atomic- and nuclear-structure studies
/ Gustafsson, F P (Leuven U.) ; Ricketts, C M (Manchester U.) ; Reitsma, M L (U. Groningen, VSI) ; Garcia Ruiz, R F (CERN ; MIT) ; Bai, S W (Peking U., SKLNPT) ; Berengut, J C (Heidelberg, Max Planck Inst. ; New South Wales U.) ; Billowes, J (Manchester U.) ; Binnersley, C L (Manchester U.) ; Borschevsky, A (U. Groningen, VSI) ; Cocolios, T E (Leuven U.) et al.
This paper presents high-precision spectroscopic measurements of atomic tin using five different resonanceionization schemes performed with the collinear resonance-ionization spectroscopy technique. Isotope shifts were measured for the stable tin isotopes from the $5s^2 5p^2$ $^3P_{0,1,2}$ and $^1S_0$ to the $5s^2 5p6s ^1P_1, ^3P_{1,2}$ and $5s^2 5p7s^1 P_1$ atomic levels. [...]
2020 - 13 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. A 102 (2020) 052812
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Isotope Shifts of Radium Monofluoride Molecules
/ Udrescu, S.M. (MIT) ; Brinson, A.J. (MIT) ; Ruiz, R.F. Garcia (MIT ; CERN) ; Gaul, K. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Berger, R. (Philipps U. Marburg) ; Billowes, J. (Manchester U.) ; Binnersley, C.L. (Manchester U.) ; Bissell, M.L. (Manchester U.) ; Breier, A.A. (Kassel U.) ; Chrysalidis, K. (CERN) et al.
Isotope shifts of $^{223-226,228}$Ra$^{19}$F were measured for different vibrational levels in the electronic transition $A^{2}{}{\Pi}_{1/2}\leftarrow X^{2}{}{\Sigma}^{+}$. The observed isotope shifts demonstrate the particularly high sensitivity of radium monofluoride to nuclear size effects, offering a stringent test of models describing the electronic density within the radium nucleus. [...]
2021-07-14 - 7 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 (2021) 033001
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