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CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 11 registres trobats  1 - 10següent  anar al registre: La cerca s'ha fet en 0.78 segons. 
Decay angular distributions of resonances in two-body reactions produced by 8 GeV/c positive pions on protons / Crijns, F ; Deutschmann, M ; Keppel, E ; Schmitz, P ; Weber, H ; Woishnig, W ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Nowak, S ; Pose, A et al.
- 1966. - 11 p.
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Observation of a (K$\pi\pi$) resonance near 1800 MeV / Bartsch, J ; Deutschmann, M ; Keppel, E ; Kraus, G ; Speth, R ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Pose, D ; Schiller, H ; Vogt, H et al.
- 1966. - 9 p.
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Evidence against the interpretations of the A$_{1}$ enhancement as a kinematic effect / Deutschmann, M ; Steinberg, R ; Weber, H ; Woischnig, W ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Lanius, K ; Leiste, R ; Nowak, S ; Bialas, A et al.
- 1966. - 10 p.
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Spin and parity of the A$_{1}$ and A$_{2}$ mesons / Deutschmann, M ; Krichbel, R ; Schulte, R ; Weber, H ; Woischnig, W ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Nowak, S ; Brandt, S ; Cocconi, V T et al.
- 1965. - 8 p.
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Rare decay modes of $\rho$, A$_{1}$ and A$_{2}$ mesons / Deutschmann, M ; Steinberg, R ; Weber, H ; Woischnig, W ; Belyakow, V ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Nowak, S ; Brandt, S ; Cocconi, V T et al.
- 1965. - 9 p.
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Slope of d$\sigma$/dt distribution in quasi two-body interactions of 8 GeV/c positive pions / Deutschmann, M ; Kropp, D ; Schulte, R ; Weber, H ; Woischnig, W ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Meier, H W ; Pose, A ; Brandt, S et al.
- 1965. - 9 p.
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Single $\pi^0$ production by 8 GeV/c positive pions and possible enhancements in the ($\pi^{+}\pi^{0}$) system / Deutschmann, M ; Schulte, R ; Steinberg, R ; Weber, H ; Woischnig, W ; Grote, C ; Klugow, J ; Meyer, A ; Novak, S ; Cocconi, V T et al.
- 1965. - 9 p.
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Confirmation of the existence of the L meson / Aguilar-Benítez, M ; Barnes, V E ; Bassano, D ; Chung, S U ; Eisner, R L ; Flaminio, E ; Kinson, J B ; Samios, Nicholas P
- 1970. - 14 p.
A study of the reactions K/sub L//sup 0/p to Lambda pi /sup +/, Lambda pi /sup +/ pi /sup 0/ and Sigma /sup 0/ pi /sup +/ in the CM energy range 1490-1700 MeV / Bertanza, L ; Cameron, W ; Capiluppi, P ; Croft, P ; Flaminio, E ; Jennings, R ; Kalmus, George Ernest (speaker) ; Lugaresi-Serra, P ; Mandrioli, G ; Minguzzi-Ranzi, A et al.
K/sub L//sup 0/p interactions were studied in the CERN 2m H/sub 2/ bubble chamber at 11 laboratory momenta between 300 and 800 MeV/c. The experimental details are described. [...]
1976 - Published in : Nucl. Phys. B 110 (1976) 1-24
A study of the reactions $K^{0}_{L}p \to \Lambda\pi^{+}, \Lambda\pi^{+} \pi^{0}$ and $\Sigma^{0} \pi^{0}$ in the c.m. energy range 1490-1700 MeV / Bertanza, L ; Cameron, W ; Capiluppi, P ; Croft, P D ; Flaminio, E ; Jennings, R ; Kalmus, George Ernest (CERN) ; Lugaresi-Serra, P ; Mandrioli, G ; Minguzzi-Ranzi, A et al.
- 1976. - 41 p.

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